
Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:03

According to Howard Hughes, a biography of an American tycoon with a legendary experience, Leonardo has to face a character with obsessive-compulsive mental paranoia and absolute demands for perfection.

But it is such a very rare character who has cast his extremely superb acting skills in an excellent restoration, making the struggle and loneliness that this character face vividly above the light and shadow.

As a director, Martin Scorsese's textbook-like photography, editing and art direction have given the film "The Aviator" a charming base color, making flying and dreams in this sturdy life. The legend has been incisively and vividly displayed.

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The Aviator quotes

  • Sen. Ralph Owen Brewster: ...we would like him to reappear. Would you ask him to return?

    Howard Hughes: No, I don't think I will.

    Sen. Ralph Owen Brewster: Will you try to have him return?

    Howard Hughes: No, I don't think I'll try.

    Sen. Ralph Owen Brewster: You don't think you'll try?

    Howard Hughes: No, I don't think so.

  • Mrs. Hepburn: We don't care about money here.

    Howard Hughes: That's because you have it.