a positive movie

Tre 2022-04-22 07:01:04

A positive movie. It takes a lot of courage to tell the truth after a person makes a mistake. At the moment when the protagonist is about to tell the lie, the goodness of human nature still overcomes the self. In this film, you can also see the role of social organizations. The exchanges between the alcoholics' mutual aid association can make people open their hearts. Although the protagonist left the exchange meeting in the middle, I believe that it is also a mirror for him, and he can see himself a little bit. ,self-control. At the end, the son asked his father, who are you? In fact, each of us has to ask ourselves who am I? who I am? am i real?

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Flight quotes

  • Hugh Lang: [to Whip] The FAA and the NTSB took 10 pilots, placed them in simulators, recreated the events that led to this plane falling out of the sky. Do you know how many of them were able to safely land the planes? Not one. Every pilot crashed the aircraft, killed everybody on board. You were the only one who could do it!

  • Harling Mays: Do not touch the merch mother fucker!

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