Tribute to the eternal masterpiece

Sonia 2022-04-23 07:01:20

After watching BrokeBack Mountain so many times, the first time I watched it, I felt that the first half of the plot was very procrastinated. The emotional expression of the two was too bland and too close to real life, so it was not the audience who wanted to watch it on the screen. content. But after watching the second half, if I remember correctly, when Ennis called Jack's wife Lorraine when he received the returned letter, I suddenly understood what a masterpiece BBM is.
After watching it for the first time, I immediately reset the timeline to zero, took a deep breath, and watched it again.
This time, I saw Ang Lee portray the character so fully, Ennis's growth experience, to a certain extent, explains the weakness in his character, for example, Jack wants to kill sheep, but Ennis does not dare to do so because he is afraid of causing trouble . But in fact, Ennis is a ruthless character. He never backs down from the humiliation of others, and even often gets into trouble with others because of his violent temper. This is the contradiction in his character. He has a strong desire to fight back, and he never breaks through the bottom line and puts himself on a stand against the world. I think this is a kind of safety brought by Ennis' experience of having both his parents died since he was a child. need. So, he was destined to let Jack wait for him all his life, to endure for him all his life... Unfortunately, this life is not long, the fate is not kind, and the life hidden in the false family illusion has not made their lives any happiness. , Jack's ability to endure is not so strong. That's excusable, because Jack didn't grow up really alone like Ennis, talking little, shutting himself down, and that's not Jack. Jack has his own family, and his background is richer than Ennis. He can even be said to be a cheerful person. He has a desire to pursue happiness in his heart, and Ennis is the only outlet for this desire.
The two came together because of Brokeback Mountain.
As Jack said, his favorite place is Brokeback Mountain, for example, after the two reunited four years later, after a night of jubilation in the motel, Jack said to Ennis, "Old brokeback got us good, don't it?". The last time we met, Ennis said they couldn't meet in September because of work, but Jack exploded his dissatisfaction, he yelled, "All we got, is brokeback mountain!"
Who can make Mount Fuji private with love. But for the two of them, BBM is an abstract reference. It must be pointed out here that the mountain where the two cheated on is not Brokeback Mountain, and many people may confuse it. Therefore, when the two were 20 years old, the "legal" relationship on Brokeback Mountain for several months, and the isolated day and night, supported the two people's dark life in the future. Such a Brokeback Mountain is an abstract concept, and it is the closest to the ideal state in the minds of the two people. Unfortunately, it does not exist in reality, and the dream will be shattered one day. Ennis accepts the reality, but Jack wants to challenge it.
”I tell you, there were these two guys ranched up together down home, Earl and rich, and they were a joke in town, even though they were pretty tough old birds. Anyway, they found Earl dead in an irrigation ditch, they took a tire iron to him, spurred him up, and drug him around by his dick till it pulled off." - this is Ennis's admonition to Jack, the same result still happened to Jack, because Jack ranched up down town with A guy died, as if it were an irony.
The Brokeback Mountain in his mind, the Brokeback Mountain that he can never go back to, Ennis can see better than Jack to a certain extent, because he sees the possible results of challenging the reality, and the reality also proves that he is right. But he is full of infinite guilt for Jack, because Jack has given too much all the time, from letting Ennis open his heart on BBM at the beginning, to taking the initiative in the tent, helping Ennis face his true heart... In fact, this relationship It was Jack who took the initiative, and Ennis kept holding back, and Jack never really gave up on him. Some people will think it's not worth it for Jack, but in fact, at the end of the film, in the plot where the two meet for the last time, Ang Lee gave us a very subtle answer. Twenty years ago, on Brokeback Mountain, before Ennis set off to go back to herding sheep, he hugged Jack from behind and said he fell asleep standing up like a horse, something his mother used to say to him when he was a kid, and sang to him about Ennis He hummed softly. Such a warm, undisguised and artificial expression of emotion is described in the novel as "a hug that has nothing to do with sex". So I think what Director Ang Lee wants to say is that Ennis really loves Jack, and this feeling is a rare and precious thing in his life, and it is also something that Jack has devoted his life to.
In true love, there is no value or not, or how much you pay.
After watching the entire film, I look back at the clip of the two on Brokeback Mountain, and I think it is so beautiful that I even hope that the film will stop abruptly before the two go down the mountain. It can be said that the highlight of BBM lies in the handling of details. The description of the details that the two have long been fond of, and the subtle changes in Ennis, these are particularly beautiful before everything happened.
It's a pity that the feature film started after the two of them went down the mountain.
If the two-person world on Brokeback Mountain supports the whole film for two hours, then its nutrition may not be as good as going to a GV. It is the contradictions and conflicts in the second half, the brewing of the tragedy-the reason why it is said to be brewing, because everything happens is reasonable, step by step. From the characters of the two to the later life trajectories of the two, they are planting the seeds for the development of such a plot.
It is not difficult to see that both of them have their own lives that have nothing to do with each other. The meeting between the two is only two or three times a year, but only when the two are really together can it really be considered life. But even if you see happiness, you can't touch it. Jack yelled at Ennis, "you have no idea how bad it gets."
Before that, Jack also said, "the truth is, sometimes I miss you too much, I can hardly stand it." When I watched the movie a few times later, this sentence often hit the tears, and my nose was instantly sour. After adding "you are too much for me, Ennis, I wish I know how to quit you.", it shows how much Jack suffered in accommodating Ennis's stubborn and conservative. Jack, who drove all the way from Texas when he heard about Ennis' divorce, found that Ennis had no will to stay with him, and shed tears for the first and only time in the play. In fact, Jack's request for Ennis was very few and very simple, that is, to take the step of staying with him, but he failed to achieve his wish to death.
We don't have to blame Ennis for being stubborn, or cowardly, because Ennis is not a coward, and there are many details in the film that emphasize this. Ennis loves Jack, Jack can feel it, but it's just "there's never enough time, never enough." We're to blame for reality.
Jack didn't tell Ennis about his affair with the neighbor's man, but instead said he had an affair with a neighbor's woman. This is because Jack knows that Ennis cares and doesn't want to make him angry, but also because Jack has the desire to express, "I'm not you, I can't make it on a couple of high-altitude fuck once or twice a year.”
In the end, it was the exposure of the affair with the neighbor man that made Jack's homosexual identity known, and caused Jack to kill. Jack's wife Lorraine is also an unfortunate person. His husband doesn't love her, and at the beginning, although she didn't explain clearly, we can imagine that she loves Jack. But whether it's because of Jack's own problems or because of Jack's conflict with her father, her family has become a family with nothing but appearances. She had never seen Ennis, only knew that his man would always drive thousands of miles to his side, only that his man's favorite place was a place she didn't know called Brokeback Mountain. I don't know who won so unbeautiful - but in the end she and Ennis were talking through the microphone, she could hear Ennis choking voice, Lorraine is a smart woman, in fact, it doesn't take much to understand the truth of Ennis and his husband Relationship - it's because of the phone, because of their mutual love, that she can get this cruel answer - she thinks "it might be some pretend place where bluebirds sings and there's a whisky spring." Brokeback Mountain, where his husband wanted to scatter his ashes, was what kind of place it was - "we was herding sheep on brokeback mountain one summer back in '63".
Everything is understood. It can be guessed that Lorraine, who participated in the murder of Jack, shed tears at this moment. It turned out that it was such a person who deprived her of her happiness and won so unbeautifully and so thoroughly. How not to be embarrassed?
A Brokeback Mountain only in memory, tied Jack for twenty years. Likewise, it also made Ennis "It' because of you, Jack, that I'm like this, I'm nothing, I'm nowhere...".
It's a pity that the ending could not be reversed, and Ennis still failed Jack, even if he paid a heavy price. After Jack's death, Ang Lee arranged two episodes. One was that Ennis went to visit Jack's parents, and found his "lost" coat on Brokeback Mountain in Jack's room, and was wrapped in Jack's coat. There is a meaning here , wrapping another person's clothes with one's own clothes, indicating that he is willing to protect the other person. When I read this plot after knowing this meaning, I often burst into tears. At the same time, I have to praise the BGM used by Ang Lee. There is no strong tear-jerking rendering, but it only sounded in a dull and soft time, just like the whole film is like boiled water. cry.
Another episode is the final scene of the entire film, where the news of her daughter's marriage, possibly making Ennis's seemingly-disappearing life upside-down. He opened the cupboard and put away the clothes for his daughter, and on the cupboard door hung his coat around Jack's coat. I have never been with Jack. Although they were married, they still owe Jack this sentence: "Jack I swear..." The
novel ends with a more cheerful brushstroke. For many people who cry at the end of the movie Humanly, it's probably better to accept the ending - Ennis later meets Jack in a dream.

In the end, I praised Director Ang Lee's ability to handle details. The nitpicking of details is the characteristic of Director Dongfang. Ang Lee is really good in this regard. In addition, the English quoted in the text are the original sentences in the movie, hereby excerpted.

Written after watching the movie for the seventh time

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Extended Reading

Brokeback Mountain quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Ennis Del Mar: Jack fuckin' Twist.

  • Ennis Del Mar: Bottom line is... we're around each other an'... this thing, it grabs hold of us again... at the wrong place... at the wrong time... and we're dead.