May life be like first love

Kristian 2022-04-19 09:01:21

There is a famous saying: Tragedy is the destruction of the valuable, and comedy is the tearing of the worthless.

I can't say such philosophical and thoughtful words. But I think a good comedy should make the audience laugh and cry while watching it.

Perhaps in this comedy film, Lucy's misery is also moved It's not me. What's really touching are the people around Lucy who care and love him, the lady boss and the fat waiter of the restaurant, her father and younger brother, and Henry who insists on "meeting by chance" every day...

tragedy It can only make people's heart hurt, but love can make people feel moved from the bottom of their hearts...

"Nothing is better than a first kiss"

Who said that amnesia can't lead to happiness

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Extended Reading

50 First Dates quotes

  • Henry: I bet you twenty bucks, I can get her to have breakfast with me again.

    Nick: You're on.

  • Henry: [to Lucy] I drew this, it's a picture of a father and son fishing off a fishing boat.

    [Lucy speaks in Hawaiian]

    Henry: You don't speak English.