"Rage to the Rescue" movie review

Christine 2022-04-22 07:01:03

I watched two Denzel Washington movies in a row recently, both of them were good. It's really hard to imagine that a black tough guy can be so tender. That's the way I watched Rage Rescue yesterday. There aren't many shooting scenes and the content is very simple, but because of Washington, this movie is particularly good. Denzel Washington is not like Nicolas Cage who can play different roles on the same schedule, nor is he too calm like Brad Pitt, but puts his inner understanding of the plot on the screen, and he puts many commonalities What ever shows, that's what a great actor is.
The film's story takes place in Mexico City, a city where kidnappings are as frequent as Taiyuan's thefts. Creasy (Denzel Washington), a soldier with 16 years of rescue experience and numerous murders, takes on a new job - protecting Pita, the richest daughter of Mexico City's richest man. Seeing this, there is a unique feeling of American shootout films. The bodyguards are all cold-faced killers, dressed in suits, ties, sunglasses, and accurate marksmanship. But as the story continued, I discovered that this movie is a bit like the killer is not too cold. The pistols and bullets are cold, but the heart is hot, even if the appearance is cold. The first part of the movie was very impressive. When Creasy sat in his bedroom and contacted his marksmanship, he couldn't hit the previous level many times. The wine glass on the coffee table was always Johnnie Walker, with two pieces of ice floating on it, and the wine on the quilt. I stayed silent, but the creasy pistol was not idle. I don't quite understand if this was a shot specially arranged by the director. After Creasy's failures again and again, the director showed the camera to creasy's eyes. There is a lot of indescribable loneliness in his eyes, a bit desolate, even pathetic. At this point in the film's development, it can be determined that Denzel Washington is going to focus on warmth again.
The director's technique in this film is still very sharp, and the technique of comparison will be used throughout. When training Pita to swim, we really felt the iron and calmness of a rescuer, with black sunglasses and expressionless face, but the encouragement he gave Pita again and again showed us his fiery heart. After Pita won the championship in the competition, when they hugged with Creasy, their faces burst into bright smiles. At this point, the story of the film has been fully unfolded, and we can even predict the final outcome, but I still Sitting in front of the computer and waiting for Washington's next stage of great performances.
When Pita was kidnapped, Creasy was shot twice and fell weakly. Watching Pita was taken away by the criminal, Washington showed his tenderness to the fullest again. We can even see the tears in Creasy's eyes on the camera. The next story didn't give Washington a lot of scenes, just lay in the hospital bed, and gave a lot to the society during this time. I don't know if the director is Mexican or not. He sharply criticized the incompetence of the Mexican police, money worship and corruption, and even exaggeratedly implanted the ransom money into the film. The film climaxes when Creasy is escorted off the bed, leaving a bleak figure behind.
So far in the movie, I don't see "Rage". But the "rescue" began.
The film goes back to the old ways of American redemption movies. As a rescuer, Washington used the media to provide him with clues to find someone. In order not to interrupt the clues, Creasy could only choose to silence. Creasy's method of extracting confessions is a bit bloody, which reflects the qualities a soldier should have. As a rescuer, Creasy kidnapped the kidnapper's relatives at the end, using a very conventional trick - exchanging hostages, but Creasy was shot again, I think the director's arrangement of the shot again here is a bit redundant, the audience can understand the first The second shot, but this second shot looks a bit contrived. If the director needs to shape Creasy's tough guy image, he doesn't need to make a lot of fuss about the bullets. With Washington's acting skills, he only needs a few more lines to get it done. . When negotiating with the leader of the kidnappers, I was once again deeply impressed by the calmness, even indifference, of the actor. There was no room for the leader to negotiate, and Creasy only needed to exchange Pita.
In the last fifteen minutes of the film, I think there should be a bit of a gunfight, but the film ends quietly with the exchange of hostages. Pita and her mother left the agreed place in a car, and Creasy and the family of the kidnapper leader acted as The hostage stepped into the kidnapper's car. On the left, Creasy died in the car, holding the totem that Pita gave him. At this point, I felt that there was a lack of spiritual shock. Although the rescue was successful, Creasy got nothing. Creasy shed tears here before he died. The director's purpose was to move the audience, but as an audience, I didn't let the director achieve his goal, and even felt a little angry. The film was so careless, I doubt the director's sincerity at this moment. It is the director's fault, or even a fault, if we only have an impression of a few people after watching a movie and don't have much sense of the plot of the movie.
Still, the movie is pretty good in my opinion, save for a few shots that are a little disappointing. Finally, once again worship Denzel Washington's acting.

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Man on Fire quotes

  • Fuentes: [with both his hands tied to the hood of the car] You know, I-I'm a professional.

    Creasy: That's what everybody keeps saying. "I'm just a professional". Everybody keeps saying that to me. "I'm just a professional", "I'm just a professional". I'm getting sick and tired of hearing that.

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    Mariana: Sí.

    Manzano: When do I get to sleep with you again?

    Mariana: We never sleep. We fuck.