Although the Chinese name doesn't translate well...

Pearline 2022-04-20 09:01:12

But it's a good movie.

In a kidnapping, countless people participated, the trustworthy and untrustworthy, those with power but no power, those who were close but not close, and even the father did not miss it. Only Peeta's mother, and Kress, saw Peeta, not numbers.

I don't know how long the injured person can last longer, or how long they can live less each time they sink into the water to find memories and strength. I don't know how the person who was shot seems to continue his revenge without any influence. Regardless of whether this is possible in real life. I only know that in the movie, this is called a miracle.

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Man on Fire quotes

  • Fuentes: [with both his hands tied to the hood of the car] You know, I-I'm a professional.

    Creasy: That's what everybody keeps saying. "I'm just a professional". Everybody keeps saying that to me. "I'm just a professional", "I'm just a professional". I'm getting sick and tired of hearing that.

  • Manzano: Mariana?

    Mariana: Sí.

    Manzano: When do I get to sleep with you again?

    Mariana: We never sleep. We fuck.