My point of view

Darius 2022-04-20 09:01:12

After watching the film, it was very heartbreaking. Why did he die after she rescued Pingta? Although he died peacefully, it is better not to die. I prefer a perfect ending. Some people will say that a tragic ending will make People have deep memories and unforgettable memories, but I like the perfect ending. I think real life is already very imperfect. In addition to entertainment, people watch movies to pass the time. I think it is more for spiritual needs. Maybe It will be because I have lost too much in real life and find comfort in movies, looking for perfection, looking for a kind of sustenance, a kind of perfect ending that finally is "the princess and the prince live a happy life from now on", maybe it can be reborn. shape people's hopes for the future. Although Pingta was rescued, but his favorite Xiong Xiong died, I hope he didn't die, and when Pingta grows up, they will get married and bear fruit.
Indeed, the plot of this film is a bit old-fashioned. A man who lives on the brink of death and relies on alcohol to numb himself all day long, in his own words: a lost lamb, meets the innocent and lovely Pingta, and his heart also changes. It was slowly melted and regained the meaning of life. To him, Pingta was a little sun in his heart, but it was covered by a layer of dark clouds-Pingta was kidnapped and torn apart. , Everyone thought she was dead, and he was very sad, so he started a series of revenge plans, approaching the murderer layer by layer, but finally found that he was not dead. . . Really, what is a man? The Cressey in this film is vividly interpreted. This film must have fascinated and attracted a lot of female audiences. Haha, I am no exception. Cressey is not charming. In appearance, his deepness, calmness, bravery, daring to take up arms and go to the killing field for the sake of what he loves, going to a road of no return, and calmness towards death, are very pleasing.
There are also several classic dialogues and lighthearted scenes, which add a bit of color to the whole story that is a little dull, sad and depressing:
1. The old man: Jesus asked people to forgive
Cressy: that is their business with Jesus, and I am only responsible for arranging They met Jesus
2. Cressey's friend said: There are artists in every profession, and Cressey's art is death,
3. When Kreisai and Pingta are comparing who will laugh first in the next ten seconds, when Kreisai laughs first, a dignified bodyguard will play tricks with a little girl, saying: I was fake just now A smile is not a smile, a fake smile is different. . . This kind of scene makes people look so relaxed. . .

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Extended Reading

Man on Fire quotes

  • Fuentes: [with both his hands tied to the hood of the car] You know, I-I'm a professional.

    Creasy: That's what everybody keeps saying. "I'm just a professional". Everybody keeps saying that to me. "I'm just a professional", "I'm just a professional". I'm getting sick and tired of hearing that.

  • Manzano: Mariana?

    Mariana: Sí.

    Manzano: When do I get to sleep with you again?

    Mariana: We never sleep. We fuck.