Love more than love.

Ryleigh 2022-04-19 09:01:21

Denzel's oil-free performance keeps every second of the film gripping. Hannah, who I knew from [Different Dad], still feels like a smart and mature girl here. What moved me the most was Kerrice's dedication to Pinta and Pinta's love for Kerrizer. For Pinta, ILOVEU's words are a call from the heart, and for Corisse, this is a weakness he can't let go of. The one they hugged at the end was a kind of redemption for Kerise, 'I also need to go home'. Yes, after Pinta's 'tear vote', Kerise's indignant revenge was that he hugged and let go. Fight decisively. The so-called homecoming is also the true homecoming of Kerrice's soul.
Because Pinta is back.

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Extended Reading

Man on Fire quotes

  • Fuentes: [with both his hands tied to the hood of the car] You know, I-I'm a professional.

    Creasy: That's what everybody keeps saying. "I'm just a professional". Everybody keeps saying that to me. "I'm just a professional", "I'm just a professional". I'm getting sick and tired of hearing that.

  • Manzano: Mariana?

    Mariana: Sí.

    Manzano: When do I get to sleep with you again?

    Mariana: We never sleep. We fuck.