140 words are not enough for a short review

Stacy 2022-04-19 09:01:21

The last part of the bridge still couldn't hold back. When Pita got out of the car, Creasy's breathing accelerated a lot. Finally, seeing that it was really her, he let out a sigh of relief. Even if he killed everyone, it wouldn't be able to match the heroine's "creasy". Seeing that pita is still alive, I think, cresy must be grateful, and dare not hope for anything, for fear that his excessive hope will make God change his mind.

It kind of reminds me of the White Death in Death Note, although I haven't watched it in its entirety.

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Extended Reading

Man on Fire quotes

  • Fuentes: [with both his hands tied to the hood of the car] You know, I-I'm a professional.

    Creasy: That's what everybody keeps saying. "I'm just a professional". Everybody keeps saying that to me. "I'm just a professional", "I'm just a professional". I'm getting sick and tired of hearing that.

  • Manzano: Mariana?

    Mariana: Sí.

    Manzano: When do I get to sleep with you again?

    Mariana: We never sleep. We fuck.