unreliable high school teacher

Monroe 2022-04-20 09:01:14

Many years ago, in a high school politics class, a teacher named Li Shuzhe was teaching us about Ma Zhe Deng's theory, and he went off topic and started to talk about other schools of philosophy. This is not the first time.

Some students were excited, while others complained. The excitement is that I can finally listen to the teacher's nonsense. This is much more interesting than the boring family's words, and it also brings more possibilities to everyone's thinking; depressed classmates are in the minority, but it is not unreasonable. It is approaching the college entrance examination. Talk about these useless things! If you don't focus again, who is responsible for failing the exam!

For the first time, I realized that the same thing, everyone's definition of "useful and useless" is very different.

From junior high school to high school, my friend Xiao Danke and I have been in the same class. Since the age of 15, we often discuss topics that even we think are meaningless. My current body is just a shell, so why does "I" suddenly appear in this shell of mine? There was no "I" hundreds of millions of years ago, and now why is "I" me, and why is "you" you? Discussions like this always lead to a burst of laughter from our friends, laughing at us always thinking about meaningless things.

Until high school, it was Mr. Li Shuzhe's politics class. At that time, he began to gossip again: "Actually, the most interesting part of philosophy is not this, and you don't understand it. But remember, when you start to think 'Who am I? Where did I come from and why am I? You were already half a philosopher." Hearing this, Little Eggshell and I, who were sitting in the front row, looked at each other excitedly and smiled.

There should be many friends who have thought about this question in their youth. Later, we have seen many scientific explanations. For example, the consciousness of "I" is actually a natural projection after the memory has accumulated to a certain stage, etc. Although the answers of these adults in the world keep coming It dilutes our innocence and sensitivity, but I always think that childlike innocence is meaningful to my life.

But when it comes to meaning, I think of another interesting thing about this teacher Li Shuzhe. It was still a day in the third year of high school. He came to the classroom as early as usual, and wandered around the podium to look around. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he stared at a female classmate named Zhang Xiafan in a daze. At this time, the bell rang and the classroom was quiet.

Teacher Li Shuzhe walked up to Zhang Xiafan, picked up a book on her desk, and read aloud the title: "Investigation of Chinese Farmers".

Then he looked at us and said solemnly: "A middle school student, under the pressure of the college entrance examination, still has the heart to pay attention to the real problems of Chinese farmers. What kind of enthusiasm and conscience is this! You can feel it!" (It is interesting to say, The Internet catchphrase "you feel it" has been the teacher's mantra back then.)

Suddenly, a sentence came from the back row of the classroom: "What's the point, the college entrance examination is not taken." The classroom burst into laughter.

The teacher did not change his face, and said slowly: "You are right, it is really meaningless. My wife said that I should think about these useless things every day, or I would have been promoted earlier. Well, not much nonsense, Classes begin."

Teacher Li Shuzhe has seriously started to talk about Ma Zhe Deng's theory, but in my eyes, his serious expression is clearly the loneliness of a childish big boy who has been frustrated, and he has honestly returned to the track of reality.

Teacher Li Shuzhe taught his middle school textbooks in a safe manner, earning wages to support his family; we also have to take the college entrance examination in a safe manner, so that we can continue our life and find our place in society step by step.

Most of us are like this. After many setbacks, we finally understand that there is no magic and elves in the world, and there are really no miracles around us.

The past is slowly forgotten, making money to support the family, the husband and the child, we become mature and begin to understand that those ideas beyond life are best rotted in the stomach. Everyone's youth has thousands of styles and different styles, but after the age of 30, the world is always the same, and there is no difference. We live a life separated from our boyhood, and those loves, those innocence, and those longings all go with the wind.

At this point, the boyhood is over, and any unrealistic attempts and wild thoughts disappear.

The position and responsibilities that society has given you will tell you, so be it, look at your work, look at your lovely children, and your peaceful but peaceful family, life can no longer tolerate your cranky thoughts, it's time to forget the past is you.

This can't help but make people sad, the clear eyes and pure passion are slowly disappearing.

But there are always some people who try to keep the heart of a teenager. They don't want to be consumed by the adult world, they have been struggling on the road of growth, and they are enemies of the entire adult society.

Indeed, everyone is busy, everyone is waiting to be marked with a serial number, trying to enter the society and find their own identity, but sometimes you will suddenly find that each step will not give you anything, just follow the social The number given to you is only alive.

Maybe as the older dad said in a movie, "Life is an improvisation." Life itself has no meaning, you can't pre-arrange how your life is best, never pre-determine what works , which are useless. Only in this way can life become fresh, and life can hope to become more active. So why not follow your heart's desire, try everything, and let life "improvise"?

Regain your youthful heart, believe in the meaning of everything in the past, stay hungry, stay curious, and find the path that connects the past to the future.

Although life and passion are difficult to balance, only in this way will life not go astray and the heart will not wither.

Classic recommendation: "Boyhood"

Director: Richard Linklater

The filming took 12 years, and the protagonist was played by the same boy from childhood to adulthood. I take it.

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Extended Reading

Boyhood quotes

  • Mason: Do you still love dad?

    Mom: I still love your father, but that doesn't mean it was healthy for us to stay together.

    Mason: What if after we move he's trying to find us, and he can't?

  • Professor Bill Welbrock: I hate squash!