Spielberg revisited in anticipation of Super 8

Monty 2022-04-22 07:01:04

It's only autumn, and plans for Hollywood blockbusters to be released next year or even the year after are already in full swing. Looking at the names of my favorite directors, actors, and movies on the list, I have no choice but to wait patiently. For example, "STAR TREK 2" will not be released until 2012. The 2009 version of "STAR TREK" completely conquered me, and since then, a new hardcore TREKKIE was born. Long live and prosperity, whenever I meet people, I raise my right hand and put my fingers together, and freak out in a mess (actually it's my left hand, I can't make that gesture with my right hand).

I ask the world film industry to make some amazing films during my one and a half year of waiting. Hollywood should not always make sequels to blockbusters, put comics on the big screen, and remake European low-cost masterpieces. It's like running out of inspiration.

Look at the 2011 blockbuster that others expect In the open countryside,

the train suddenly stopped, and after a moment of silence, there was a loud noise in one of the carriages, and something was breaking out of the car with astonishing force. At this crucial moment, the trailer ends.

Script and director JJ Abrams, producer Steven Spielberg. Having these two names in the lineup is enough to make me look forward to it. The trailer is too suspenseful, reducing the plot to a minimum. It is said that director JJ wants this effect, insisting on playing suspense and mystery to the end, not revealing the slightest plot, and hanging the appetite of fans.

However, judging from the limited information that has been revealed, the film will be set in 1975, and the story is related to the secrets of the US Air Force's Area 51. JJ made this film to show Steve Speilberg's sci-fi in the seventies and eighties. A tribute to the film, so I guess it will be a sci-fi film related to alien creatures.

JJ is the director of the 2009 version of "STAR TREK" and "Mission Impossible 3". The former has been praised, and the latter is also a very subversive sequel.

Super 8 is coming out next fall, so early, I think I should go and review Uncle Spielberg's early sci-fi movies?

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Extended Reading

Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.