wild child fantasy world

Raphaelle 2022-04-20 09:01:15

Oh Pa and I both love Cloverfield. It is rare for the two of us to have a common favorite movie, and we found resonance in this fake DV disaster movie that was reviled by the world. This film made our eyes shine, not because the whole scene was shaking like crazy. Oh Ba and I don't like extreme drug addicts. It was because I was tired of watching the Hollywood formula sci-fi disaster films on the cover of Women's weekly who had scandals every three days and two ends as saviour heroes to save their lovers. Disaster movies also have such a different way of shooting.

There is no big man, no heroism, no dawn of victory, no evil plot. I can't even remember what the main character of the movie looked like.

Please, please, unimaginative screenwriters, please be a little more outrageous even if you are unreliable. My sister had imagined countless times in her head that aliens were coming to destroy the earth. My sister's reaction should be the scene of Anita Mui sitting in the toilet in the Hongfan district and watching the street going crazy. Really encountered this kind of unlucky thing in my lifetime, my sister can only be a little person who escapes for her life. Even if a purple alien who is about to die throws a green ring, or a mutated spider accidentally bites something bad, I don't have the shit luck to accept this great power, great responsibility, no Batman/Ironman The financial resources and brains of the IP Man to recreate a good skin that is not afraid of the sky, not to mention the kung fu and backbone of the IP Man.

Just because my sister has always believed in the existence of aliens, on a certain night in my childhood when I really didn't want to finish my homework, I couldn't help but imagine that the city where I lived was invaded by alien creatures. After the citizens of the whole city fell into a panic and was selected by the god of fate to be the Sailor Moon who saves all mankind, he fought for his beloved, and after defeating the monster, the rain passed, and the red scarf on his chest became brighter. . . .

At the level of Hollywood stunts today, Super 8 is hardly a sci-fi disaster blockbuster. Barely a sci-fi children's drama. The plot of the story did not inherit the timeless classic of ET that touched the moment, and even had a lot of old-fashioned plot ills accumulated by Hollywood in the past 20 years. The only thing that sounds a little new is the meaning of the title Super 8.

Super 8 is a motion picture film format. The theme of the film revolves around a group of children shooting their own film with a Super 8 camera over the summer. In fact, the movie has nothing to do with monsters, aliens, selfish American emperors, petty citizens who wisely hate the Soviets, heroes to save beauty, and final victory. It's just a reminiscence of cherished childhood dreams for film moguls like Spielberg and his co-workers.

Whether it's on-film or off-film dreams, they've all come true.

If you want to get back that looming childlike innocence, this is a really good choice. Remember to watch this film in the cinema and don't miss the final credit.

PS sister really liked the beginning and end of the video. The scene where the train crashed was amazing.

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Extended Reading

Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.