Childhood and Forgiveness in Super 8

Dayne 2022-04-20 09:01:15

The first time I knew "Super 8" was in the iTunes movie trailer. I didn't watch the trailer, but I saw that the producer had Spielberg, so I wrote down this film. At that time, I didn't pay much attention to the classification of the film, but it seemed to be sci-fi and suspense. But it's fun to watch a movie with a complete unknown like this.

This film is actually just a science fiction coat, it's actually a story between people. The whole play has buried a line from the very beginning. The film starts with an accident in a steel factory that causes the protagonist Joe to lose his mother. When Joe saw Dainard being kicked out of the house by his father, we also buried doubts in our hearts. Who is this man, what relationship and conflict does he have with the Joe family, and why was he kicked out of the house by Joe's father. And then the accident of the train derailment encountered by Joe and his friends when they were shooting the movie, buried a question, why did their teacher cut off the train, what was in the car, and what were those little squares? As the plot unfolds, the two answers are gradually revealed, and the process of revealing the answers is the growth and closeness of the hearts of the two children, Joe and Alice. Two lonely hearts, each carrying family problems, attract each other and contact each other from the beginning, and finally hold hands at the end of the film, and at the end, the two small families and the two big species of aliens and earthlings also understand each other. . The main body of the film is tolerance, forgiveness and understanding. For those who have hurt you, especially the tolerance of their next generation, don't nourish and sow the seeds of hatred.

The director's selection of roles under this theme is extremely attentive, and the use of children as the main body of the story is also because only sincere and innocent children will still pay attention to and approach each other because of family conflicts and hatred. I believe that many people, like me, will feel a warm and familiar feeling in their hearts when they look at Joe's eyes that are deeply attracted by Alice. The director's carefulness and little suspense set up are actually all over the corners of the whole play, from the timing board that started the safe production of the steel mill to the mystery that has been made secretly and deliberately about aliens. It can be said that the director (and the screenwriter) of this film is still very attentive. In the film, the aliens can communicate with the earthlings through touch, which is also a point of the director's good intentions. Whether it is us or the aliens, we can only understand each other through contact with each other, and we can understand the same feelings that different us have, and then To have tolerance and understanding.

This film is really suitable for Americans to watch, because for many years the United States has promoted American-style values ​​and democratic views around the world, made many enemies, and also made its own people attacked, and the United States has what it hates about the people and countries. How much do you know? This hatred should not spread to children either. We and Japan are still the same. Adults add ideas to their children because of hatred, and children give them to their own children. How can we understand and forgive? only contact.

There are many people on the Internet who think this film is not very good, and there are many people who think this film is very good. I am probably a centrist. I think this film is worth watching, but it will disappear from my mind after a few days. In this era of massive media information, it is really too difficult for a film to be a good film.

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Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.