movie too hard

Leif 2022-04-20 09:01:15

The script of the movie is relatively poor, that is, it is reluctant to accept, after all, it is not easy to make a child resonate with such a big alien, plus the whole movie is basically spent in the killing of aliens. The film also wants to intersperse the father's love, the children's hazy love, the understanding between people, the understanding between the earth and the aliens, and the film that wants to contain too much meaning is destined to be unable to express the fullness. Many details in the movie are also very mentally handicapped. A few children had nothing to do in the train accident, and suddenly a lot of troops appeared; and the soldier even snatched the child's necklace. This military quality is also very good. Too bad. I think the director and writer of this film should be told that not every kid is Harry Potter or Conan

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Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.