From "Super 8" to associate what is a pure movie

Clay 2022-04-20 09:01:15

Judging from the previously exposed trailers and clips, as well as the two big attractive names on the poster, "Steven Spielberg" and "J.J. Abrams", the early stage of the film Propaganda can easily mislead our group of pure fans into the direction of "sci-fi blockbusters", but in fact, Shenma is actually a cloud.
The script is really ordinary, and it is easy to remind people of the low-budget sci-fi film "The Fog" in 2007. The similarity between the two scripts is almost 80%. Small towns, government experimental accidents, unknown monsters, military's Intervention, a lone hero to save the beauty... Of course, this is only a comparison from the script. It is absolutely impossible for the people with the two names on the poster to disappoint the audience so much. From the previous trailer and the viral video on the official website and " Judging from the activities of "8mm Original Film", this time J.J. Abrams is just paying tribute to the originator of original film - super 8mm narrow film film.
The background of the film's story is set in the summer of 1979. This time setting is not only because of the birth and popularity of the super 8mm camera, but also because it is more in line with the director's own memories at this time. J.J.Ai, born in 1966. Brahms is actually about the same age as the protagonists in the show, and his dream of chasing movies may be as crazy as the show. The group of children in the film is actually interpreting the most streamlined composition of the film shooting team: director + makeup artist (and props artist) + cameraman + actor and actress, and young actors constantly appear in the play to shoot movies with super 8mm cameras The scene is also the director who is constantly instilling the impression on the audience that the theme of the movie is actually telling the audience "how to complete a movie". This is also destined that the cost and capital allocation of the film "Super 8" cannot make the special effects of the film exceptional, and the director also avoided this very well. The heavyweight special effects only appear at the scene of the train crash and the monsters flying away. Earth, and other parts of the scene that involve special effects are almost all reasonably "avoided". And more cost is actually applied to the film itself. If you watch the film frame by frame, you will feel that every frame is like a beautiful photo, which is given in the era of computer special effects. A small reminder for filmmakers - don't forget the "movie" itself.
For such a weakening of the script, in fact, producer Steven Spielberg "won notoriety" in "War of the Worlds", and in the following "Transformers" series, this weakening of the script was obtained. It has been upgraded, and for movie lovers with some background, at this moment, they will think of one word - pure movie. What is a "pure film", the general explanation is a type of film that goes against the traditional narrative structure and blindly pursues the beauty of vision and composition, and the proposal of "pure film" has caused a lot of controversy. The various performances of Ving Spielberg have to make contemporary filmmakers revisit the question of "what is a movie in the true sense", which has no definite answer.
The easter egg of the film is also a joke by the director about the weakening of the script of the film. The easter egg completely presents a zombie-themed movie completed by children with a super 8mm camera, and the plot of this short film is actually the same as the plot of the film itself. Very similar, maybe J.J. Abrams just wants to tell the audience to stop paying attention to any bullshit plots, pure movies are just beautiful pictures.

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Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.