No one thinks that the little movies made by the children themselves are simply masterpieces? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Dennis 2022-04-19 09:01:26

The costumes and make-up are all reliable, and the scene props are all right. I felt so silly when I was shooting, but after editing it, it was amazing.
Brother Eyes Detective, Brother Bucktooth's Zombie,
Little Loli's Wife Fan, and Dinosaur Express Kesai Special effects,

fat brother's doctor, little loli's zombies are simply zombies possessed.

It's very beautiful and joyful, and there is a main line of love

. In fact, I also imagined that my filmmaking

was weaker than the summer vacation full of cram schools for domestic friends.

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Extended Reading

Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.