But it's obviously a monster movie

Ulises 2022-04-19 09:01:26

Even in the 1970s, there were differences between sci-fi films and monster films, and there were also differences between romantic films and thriller films.
It's not that I have an opinion on monster films and warm-hearted films, but you made such a film and advertised it as sci-fi, thriller, and suspense. What's the picture?

Some people have aroused their nostalgia again, and they are reminded of their chaotic youth. I have no problem with nostalgia and emotion, but if you randomly go to the cinema ten times this year, you can have passive nostalgia eight times.
Either a remake or an adaptation, or a tribute to an old work, a tribute to which era, a tribute to which director...
This is entirely to avoid high-tech, and the background is set in the 80s.
Apart from nostalgia, is there anything else in life?
After being pregnant with 50 and 70, after 70 with 90, three generations of childhood have been conceived. If people in the future want to pay homage to the beginning of the 21st century, what other models can they find other than 3D? All are copied before sublimation.

But... this film has such a high score on Rotten Tomatoes, absolutely, absolutely by inspiring nostalgia.
It is estimated that when they watch this film, it is like revisiting the robot cat. A group of pure and kind children are secretly in love with the little girl. In a slightly poorer, less idealistic setting than they are now, they do one thing together and end up saving the world.
The robot cat will make another long novel, and we have to cry when we see it.

I won't say much about praising the children, and I can't exaggerate.
The disadvantage is that in order to let the children show off their acting skills, the plot is all over the place, scattered like a sesame pancake.
The alien part completely follows the tentacle monster route, which is the kind of monster in "The Mist", which runs out to eat you, and then leaves after eating.
And this is definitely not a children's film. This is the weirdest. No matter the characters, plot, or depth, it is a children's film, and the rhythm and color are an art film.
The film definitely doesn't appeal to children, whose brief attention spans don't last for a lyrical length.
And monsters are not the point at all, the point is the relationship between children and the world around them.

The train crash at the beginning is outstanding, especially after a long, dull opening foreshadows a sudden train crash.
This scene makes people mistakenly think that this is an action movie that wants to be promoted first... This is really a misunderstanding. This is not an action movie, nor is it a suspense, thriller, or sci-fi movie. It's a monster movie.

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Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.