Lyla 2022-04-19 09:01:26

It feels like a trip back to the 1990s movie-watching experience.
It's just that the special effects are used more easily.
Although it is written by a well-known screenwriter, it still feels the deep chrome mark of the producer Lao Si.
In the name of sci-fi suspense, in fact, the emotional drama is far better than the ALIEN who has always been ashamed to show up.
Everything is my favorite element. It seems to be back in the era of ET, and it seems to be watching a live-action version of Jun Miyazaki's movie.
Bad guys are not so bad, good guys are not so perfect, full and warm warmth, the purest and most unreserved friendship between little boys.
In the end, the boy finally let go of the necklace in his hand. I like this part very much!

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Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.