The more real, the more terrifying

Joe 2022-04-24 07:01:02

As someone who doesn't like watching suspenseful horror movies, when I heard that the midterm assignment was to be written and appreciated with the title "Cry on the Island", my heart was desperate. On the one hand, I have no confidence in my own courage, and on the other hand, I am also quite disgusted by those tricks that use sudden close-ups and gloomy BGM to pretend to be a horror atmosphere. It is difficult for people to have a good viewing experience when preparing for the jump.

And the advantages of "Cry on the Island" are reflected here.

Except for the scream of the heroine at the beginning, in the first 30 minutes of the film, the servants came to the door, the heroine introduced the situation at home, and the heroine took the two children to study... The ordinary plot goes on according to the progress of time. , allowing the audience to gradually let go of their guard and enter the suspenseful atmosphere set by the film while accepting the various setting information given by the film.

After introducing the background of the story, the following "ghost stories" still use this direct way of telling - the heroine hears the child cry, the heroine hears movement in the utility room, the heroine hears the piano, the heroine hears the sound of the piano Running out to look for the priest but finding the husband who had been missing for a long time, the curtains at home suddenly disappearing... A series of strange phenomena kept throwing doubts to the audience, but they did not answer with any interludes or flashbacks, but wrapped The audience's doubts continued to develop the plot, and the audience was led into a trap step by step by the director without knowing it. They didn't wait for the scary or disgusting picture, but they were immersed in the film that was too thick to melt. Creepy in the open fog.

I think this flat and straightforward approach creates the most advanced horror - not pursuing strong stimulation of the senses, nor aiming to make people's heart beat faster and adrenaline soaring, but focus on the layout of suspenseful atmosphere, interspersed with strangeness in the characters In logically normal actions and words. When the story unfolds in a carefree manner, the audience feels the truth in the straightforward narrative without pretentiousness, but also feels the horror that wraps people tightly under the truth.

In fact, the ending of the story is not so shocking, it is nothing more than a story of "people die without knowing it".

However, after experiencing layers of confusion and reversal, the audience got such an unexpected result. When they think about it carefully, but they feel that the ending is reasonable, there will inevitably be a kind of "as it is" suddenly enlightened. Satisfied, and admired the laying of various details in the film. And more than an hour of "immersive" will also make the audience feel full of stamina, and can't help thinking about the details buried in the film, such as war, religion, death...

It is hoped that one day the domestic suspense horror films can also get rid of the vulgar three-piece set of "meat bombs, blood and screams", and truly learn how to rely on psychological oppression to create advanced horror.

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The Others quotes

  • Grace: [regarding Lydia] Was she born like that?

    Mrs. Mills: Beg your pardon, ma'am?

    Grace: The girl. Was she born a mute?

    Mrs. Mills: No.

    [looks uncomfortable]

    Mrs. Mills: I think I've finished here, ma'am. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go and see if Mr. Tuttle needs a hand.

  • Charles: [enters Anne and Nicholas' bedroom]


    Charles: How are my little ones?

    Anne: [excited] Daddy!

    [she hugs Charles]

    Anne: Why did you take so long?

    Charles: [smiles when he sees Nicholas] Hello Nicholas.

    [Nicholas hugs him]

    Anne: [to Nicholas] I told you, you see! I told you he'd come back!

    Charles: [as he hugs the children] Have you both been well-behaved?

    Anne: We've been very good.

    Charles: Have you been good to your Mother?

    Nicholas: Very good. We study every day for our First Communion.

    Anne: [pauses] Daddy, did you kill anyone?