What touches us most is not terror, but tenderness

Lesly 2022-04-23 07:01:18

At first I just thought it was a boring thriller, dig a bunch of holes, and then push everything to ghosts or schizophrenia. But in the end, when I saw the heroine holding the two children in her arms and wept bitterly, when I saw the two children snuggling pitifully in the mother's arms, I cried. It can be said that this is also an anti-war themed film, which skillfully placed the fate and era of the people in the war under the shell of ghosts and gods. What really touches people’s hearts is the love!

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The Others quotes

  • Grace: [regarding Lydia] Was she born like that?

    Mrs. Mills: Beg your pardon, ma'am?

    Grace: The girl. Was she born a mute?

    Mrs. Mills: No.

    [looks uncomfortable]

    Mrs. Mills: I think I've finished here, ma'am. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go and see if Mr. Tuttle needs a hand.

  • Charles: [enters Anne and Nicholas' bedroom]


    Charles: How are my little ones?

    Anne: [excited] Daddy!

    [she hugs Charles]

    Anne: Why did you take so long?

    Charles: [smiles when he sees Nicholas] Hello Nicholas.

    [Nicholas hugs him]

    Anne: [to Nicholas] I told you, you see! I told you he'd come back!

    Charles: [as he hugs the children] Have you both been well-behaved?

    Anne: We've been very good.

    Charles: Have you been good to your Mother?

    Nicholas: Very good. We study every day for our First Communion.

    Anne: [pauses] Daddy, did you kill anyone?