unexpected ending

Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:03

I have watched this movie for a long time, but I still have a fresh memory of this movie. The design of the whole play is very ingenious, and it is advanced layer by layer. The final answer has a feeling that it is so, and it is a movie worth recommending. Originally, I felt average for the heroine, but this drama changed my mind. It was very realistic. I liked the heroine in this drama as the mother, the mother who loves her children, and the children in it. This is the first time to write such a long review, I hope someone can watch this movie because of my recommendation, a good movie is worth recommending.

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Extended Reading

The Others quotes

  • Grace: [regarding Lydia] Was she born like that?

    Mrs. Mills: Beg your pardon, ma'am?

    Grace: The girl. Was she born a mute?

    Mrs. Mills: No.

    [looks uncomfortable]

    Mrs. Mills: I think I've finished here, ma'am. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go and see if Mr. Tuttle needs a hand.

  • Charles: [enters Anne and Nicholas' bedroom]


    Charles: How are my little ones?

    Anne: [excited] Daddy!

    [she hugs Charles]

    Anne: Why did you take so long?

    Charles: [smiles when he sees Nicholas] Hello Nicholas.

    [Nicholas hugs him]

    Anne: [to Nicholas] I told you, you see! I told you he'd come back!

    Charles: [as he hugs the children] Have you both been well-behaved?

    Anne: We've been very good.

    Charles: Have you been good to your Mother?

    Nicholas: Very good. We study every day for our First Communion.

    Anne: [pauses] Daddy, did you kill anyone?