Celebrities galore, plot mediocre

Abby 2022-04-19 09:01:23

Looking at the introduction, it is another big bank robbery, so it is hard to think of anything new. So many well-known movie stars were invited to support the facade. Originally, the plot wanted to get rid of the shackles of clichés. The robber had other plans for the money. Unfortunately, the film felt that the digging in this aspect was not deep enough, and the trouble ended in a happy ending. And the tricks used by the robbers are already there in V for Vendetta, but they are played in more detail here.

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Inside Man quotes

  • [Inside the "war room" van, Detective Keith Frazier finally accepts a call from Dalton Russell]

    Dalton Russell: I got a question for ya. You get it right, I give you more time.

    Keith Frazier: And?

    Dalton Russell: You know what happens if you don't. Which weighs more: all the trains that pass through Grand Central Station in a year - or the trees cut down to print all U.S. currency in circulation? Here's a hint. It's a trick question.

    [they both hang up]

    Keith Frazier: What the hell was that? Playing games, now?

    Captain John Darius: [realizing] It's the trains. U.S. money isn't printed on paper at all. It's cotton.

    Mobile Command Officer Berk: Yeah, that's, that's right.

    Captain John Darius: No trees were cut down.

    Mobile Command Officer Rourke: Are you sure?

    Captain John Darius: Yeah. One hundred percent.

    Keith Frazier: Okay.

    [He dials Dalton's number again. The phone rings. Dalton picks it up]

    Keith Frazier: I got it.

    Det. Bill Mitchell: Wait a second, wait a second.

    Keith Frazier: Call you back.

    [Both Frazier and Dalton hang up their phones]

    Det. Bill Mitchell: It's a trap. They both weigh the same. Tell him they both weigh the same. They both weigh nothing.

    Keith Frazier: They both weigh nothing or they both weigh the same?

    Det. Bill Mitchell: Tell him they both weigh the same. Tell him they both weigh the same. Do it now.

    Keith Frazier: They both weigh the same. Got it.

    [Dalton picks up the phone]

    Dalton Russell: Well?

    Keith Frazier: They both weigh the same.

    Dalton Russell: [with evil nonchalance] This time, send sandwiches.

  • [They are discussing Dalton Russell]

    Keith Frazier: What do you think he's going to do?

    Madeliene White: Well, he's not gonna kill anyone.

    Keith Frazier: How do you know?

    Madeliene White: Because he's not a murderer.

    Keith Frazier: How do you know? I got news for you. Most of the guys up in Sing Sing weren't murderers until they killed somebody.