Movie settings and metaphors that you only understand after watching it twice

Marianna 2022-04-22 07:01:03

There are many metaphors in this film. With the changes of Sophie and Howl, especially Sophie, we can know that the core of the film is: the relationship between appearance and heart. This film can be analyzed from the character curves of the two protagonists, Sophie and Howl .

The most important thing that I didn't understand for the first time was: it turns out that the curse of the witch of the wilderness is to make Sophie's "appearance reflect the heart", rather than simply "getting old" .

At the beginning, Sophie had no self-confidence, no enthusiasm for life, and her heart was depressed and restrained. At this time, Sophie's mental age was old. The witch of the wasteland turned Sophie into an old lady, which was more like making Sophie's appearance age and age. Mental age in one. As the plot progresses, we see that Sophie has become younger to varying degrees in the movie many times. Sophie's appearance has become younger, but her white hair remains, which represents the mark of growth.

What impresses me most is that Sophie fought against Shaliman in the palace for Hal. At this time, Sophie had completely turned into her original youth. The former Sophie was indifferent to everything in the world. What kind of emotional fluctuations, no joy, no sadness, and no emotions for himself or others, and after living in Howl's castle, Sophie began to have changes in her heart and emotions. Because of Hal. (We will know later that this is because of the agreement of the two, and each other is waiting for each other)

It turned out that when Howl signed a contract with Cassifer when he was a child, he saw Sophie who traveled through time and space. They had an agreement. They may have never understood why, but they seemed to be looking for something. This agreement is like a subconscious, can feel it, but it is not clear, it is a bit like the setting of "Your Name".

Calcifer was originally a falling meteor, and Howl had a contract with Calcifer when he was a child: Howl gave his heart to Calcifer, so that Calcifer's life could continue, and Calcifer wanted to build a moving castle for Hal. , Howl gained magic, and Howl and Calcifer became one. But it also means that Hal has lost his heart and can't truly love someone, so he spread the rumor that Hal would eat a girl's heart, and he didn't want any girl to be hurt because of him.

Therefore, the Moving Castle and Cassifer are essentially the externalization of Howl's mind. The original melancholy image of Howl is covered with a layer of protection and will not easily reveal his emotions. We can know Howl's heart from the state of Cassifer and the castle. The change.

Originally, Howl's heart was deserted until Sophie broke into his castle and into his life. If Hal didn't have the ability to love someone at that time, then Sophie didn't either, but she did. Howl's inner abilities.

When Hal saw Sophie for the first time, it seemed that Sophie should appear in his castle so naturally, without any rejection (Hal does not let people enter the castle easily), at that moment, he may have already After waiting for a long time, he prepared a very hearty breakfast for Sophie. Even the young apprentice Maluk said that he hadn't had such a hearty breakfast for a long time. Maybe before Sophie came, he hadn't ignited for a long time. Well-prepared breakfast with enthusiasm.

What I read from this movie, what the movie wants to tell us most is: if a person has no dreams or hope in life, his will and heart will wither like an old man; if he finds his true love, he has a desire to protect No matter how old you are with the thing or person you are chasing, your mentality is still young and energetic, just like Sophie and Howl in the movie because they found each other and found their purpose in life .

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The faces of Sophie and Howl in the movie have changed a lot, representing a change of mood.

Sophie with no mood swings at first
later sophie
Hal, who was melancholy and closed at first
later hal
the french town of colmar in the animation

I heard that Hayao Miyazaki traveled in the local area for 12 days in order to film the scene, and felt the atmosphere of the small town.

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Howl's Moving Castle quotes

  • [puts a ring on Sophie's finger]

    Howl: This charm will guarantee your safe return. Don't worry, I'll follow behind you in disguise. Now off you go.

  • Old Sophie: I wonder what Howl disguised himself as? Surely not a crow. Can't be a pigeon, he's too flamboyant for that.

    [a glider plane with a giggling young woman and her lover flies overhead]

    Old Sophie: That could be him.