Camping, hiking, Shuoxi, rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, caving, diving and many other sports that need to be done outdoors are all outdoor sports; in outdoor sports, before making a decision or action, you must first put the potential Danger is sorted out in my mind, and I think about ways to avoid risks and how to deal with accidents, because outdoor sports are not adventure sports that conquer nature and take risks, but a leisure sport that enjoys nature and reasonable risks. I like this play
very much The psychological description of Aaron in the book is very delicate, including mental adjustment and fear control;
in Aaron's rope climbing equipment, there is only power rope; the power rope can stretch and absorb the impulse generated by falling off, and is generally used for climbing, mountaineering, etc., so When he built a protection point and wanted to use it to move stones, he regretted that he did not bring a static rope with a near zero malleability (╯_╰).
Regarding self-help, judgment is always more important than operation, and you must keep your head clear at all times. Calm yourself down and stop rushing into action in shock and fear; while rope manipulation, every move needs to be scrutinized.
He didn't tell the people around him where he was going before he went out, and there was no cell phone signal in the canyon. If he relied too much on outside rescues or overestimated his own abilities, he would ignore his responsibility for his own safety; so go to any place beforehand. Know what is going on in the target area, including who to call for help in an emergency and how long it will take for rescuers to arrive.
(Off-topic: It is said that 36 countries around the world have adopted PLB personal positioning beacons. I have no in-depth understanding of this, and children who know it can discuss it.)
Aaron in the play describes the fate mentioned, that is, there are many around us that are not our ability The things you can control, but only know one thing, is to live, live to see the people we love, and the people who love us;
so whether it's in movies or in reality, those creatures who stay on the mountain are using their Life reminds us that our own life may not be very important to us, but it is the most important to my parents, lovers, and friends. .
He is a dedicated climber with free climbing ability, and used independent "Alpine" climbing (Alpine climbing) to 58 peaks in the following winter; high-altitude mountaineering and climbing are high-risk sports, accidents It is also inevitable that the rate will be amplified.
Climbing, like any mountain activity, must be aware of risk management, and love will not avoid its inherent risks.
The mountaineering spirit is a precious wealth created by several generations of climbers. For the heroes who stay on the mountain, it is far more regrettable and regrettable than the life itself to leave when their life is not fulfilled; many things are worth reflecting on. .
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