I think the thing that struck me the most about this movie was still Vin Diesel's brotherhood, and he had a lot of trust in his brother no matter what happened. Even if there have been misunderstandings and suspicions, but a smile can dissolve everything

Armani 2022-04-22 07:01:04

I think the thing that struck me the most about this movie was still Vin Diesel's brotherhood, and he had a lot of trust in his brother no matter what happened. Even if there have been misunderstandings and suspicions, but a smile when we meet each other can dissolve everything, only the tightly clasped palms and tightly embraced arms are the theme that has always been warm.

The train carjacking at the beginning of the movie exploded. Speeding to the rescue, plunged into the lake, in one go. For the memory card containing the location of the drug trade and other details, the drug boss is bound to get it, even if he faces the police, he will do what he says, which makes the police who came to arrest Vin Diesel and Paul suffer heavy losses. In fact, Vin Diesel had long planned to rob all the money of the drug boss. He attacked one of the drug boss's spots first, but instead of robbing the money, he burned all the money in this spot. This is his genius. If the drug boss finds out that he is for money, he will not have the idea of ​​gathering money together for protection, but if he burns the money, he tells the drug boss that I am not for money, but for revenge. So the drug boss relaxed his vigilance, feeling that it would be foolproof to collect the money and put it in a safe place. The result was that they were in the right hands. Although the money was put into the police station, they rushed into the corrupt police station with the help of the police Dwayne Johnson, and then chained the safe to use the two best racing drivers, Vin Diesel and Paul dragged the safe and drove all the way. The safe that can be attacked and defended, smashed a lot of facilities, houses, vehicles, and even smashed the chasing police car. It was a winning weapon. The cabinet, escaped the moment his own vehicle was thrown out, it was so handsome that it exploded. At the critical moment, Dwayne Johnson also reproduced Paul's face-to-face understanding, Vin Diesel's charm is really unmatched, the brotherhood, the happy grievance, and the spirit of never giving up until the goal is achieved, is something that any man will never give up. It will be rejected and rejected. This should also be the biggest attraction of the "Fast and Furious" series!

Vin Diesel finally had an opponent, and the fight with Dwayne Johnson exploded. The wall was like a cardboard, and it was smashed. At the place where the fist hit, there was a cracking sound of broken bones and tendons, and the degree of tyranny exploded. But in the name of the name, there is brotherhood, and heart-to-heart sympathy...

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Fast Five quotes

  • Roman Pearce: You know, I think I make a better special agent than you ever did.

    Brian O'Conner: I guess that depends on how you define 'special'.

  • Chief of Police Alemeida: Is all this really necessary to apprehend two men?

    Hobbs: Let me tell you a little something about these two men. One's a former federal officer, been in deep cover for five years. He knows every way you're gonna come for him. The other one's a professional criminal, escaped prison twice, spent half his life on the run avoiding folks like you.

    Chief of Police Alemeida: Well, if there's anything we can do to help the DSS...

    Hobbs: Two things. One: I need a translator.

    Chief of Police Alemeida: Claro, we have plenty in the public relations department.

    Hobbs: Elena Neves.

    Chief of Police Alemeida: A patrol officer?

    Hobbs: You heard me.

    Chief of Police Alemeida: But why? We have many more experienced people.

    Hobbs: I like her smile.

    Chief of Police Alemeida: What's the second thing?

    Hobbs: [pause] Stay the fuck out of my way!