This turned out to be the highest rated part of the vegetarian chicken series, I cracked

Jazmin 2022-04-21 09:01:25

First of all, the classification of this movie is not a science fiction movie, so it should not be too detached from reality, otherwise it will look very uncomfortable; after all, the closer it is to reality, the more immersive it will be, right? If you don’t agree with this sentence, then you don’t have to read it down, let alone prepare for the line. As a person with horses, it is better to speak rationally, otherwise the feces you spray will automatically be returned tenfold.

First of all, at the beginning of the movie, it said that the male protagonist is a felon and will be sent to some kind of prison, so there is a very illogical picture: a passenger car full of felons is driving alone in the wilderness— -what? ? ? A normal police station should send a few more police cars to escort it? ? You don't need to be escorted by a police car. You don't even have an escort team. Is this for fear of causing trouble for carjacking? Then the process of carjacking was also handled inappropriately. A small racing car stumbled across the front of a passenger car that was several times its own size and directly tripped the passenger car. By the way, there were several somersaults, and what happened to him? ? The director didn't take the momentum theorem too seriously, didn't he? ? Then, seeing that the bus turned over several somersaults and smashed to pieces, the male protagonist, as the person sitting inside, didn't even receive a lunch? ? I'm not being serious about this, is it? If anyone thinks the first two minutes aren't stiff at all, then I'll take it in capitals too.

Then I suddenly started robbing cars. It was really sudden. Even if I looked back after watching the movie and thought about it, I didn't realize that the location of the black boss's money should be kept secret, right? Then the chip that stores the place where he hides the money must be made by someone around him, even if it is not his own. Why did the black boss of such an important chip not keep it well, but made it appear inexplicably in a car in the car? Regardless of this, and why Brian knew in advance that the magnetic card was in the policeman's ass pocket on the train before stealing the car, and no matter why the foreign train's shell was so thin (it seems like a layer of iron in the movie, if I'm the one who misread it (I didn't say it), and no matter how the black boss's subordinates went around behind the police after the police came over; the place where the car fell into the river after stealing the car also violated common sense of physics. In reality, even at that height, It is also very difficult to survive falling into the water. As a result, the two male protagonists have nothing to do. I have to admire the power of the protagonist's halo.

Domi and Brian escaped easily after being caught, which also left me speechless. Weren't they tied up with chains by the black boss? And there is a shot that clearly shows that the two of them are hung up, and there is a certain distance between their feet and the ground. If you look at it this way, the binding is not loose. How did the male protagonist Domi break free when I was not paying attention? ? Still a mystery

The process of team formation by Domi, Brian and Mia is also very confusing, of course I don't know if it's the setting of the previous vegetarian chicken series or if I'm missing some information, but if they all grew up in the United States then Isn't it a bit unscientific to easily find a few suitable associates in a foreign country? Okay, let’s say they are well-connected for the time being, but I don’t know much about looking for a car. Didn’t the boss himself say to “change a car for a car” or something? Then why did the blue car go directly to Domi? I thought they were going to race a car or something and the winner would take all (or is the version I read deleted here? I don't know)

At this time, another line is that the policeman Luke played by Johnson is ready to arrest Domi, but for some reason he only brought four or five of his subordinates - this is a cross-border pursuit of a felon, and it is in a low security situation. Such a country, with so many people? ? ? Okay, let’s just pretend that these people are all elites who are one hundred and one hundred, but I really can’t accept the process of searching for Domi’s whereabouts. I found out the whereabouts of Domi and even his companions based on a few satellite screenshots. ? ? The quality of those pictures is obvious to all. The resolution is better than the effect of mosaicking. Don't use any analysis technology. Machine learning demosaicing is only two days old. Besides, this technology is not currently available. Very likely to be used for this - what if the computer's prediction is wrong? After Luke and his party arrived at Domi and their stronghold, the cowardice of the gang once again shocked me - the policemen are not more than 10 people in total, and there are at least a dozen or 20 of your gangsters who show their faces in the picture. And everyone has guns, why did the gangs cowardice when there were so many people? ? ? It's really unreasonable here. I don’t want to complain about the shootout that follows. No matter what movie shoots a shootout, there are basically these common problems: you must wait for the other party to be in front of you before you are ready to shoot. The supporting role must not be able to hit the protagonist, but the protagonist can only play the supporting role. Call a quasi-2333

Finally, Luke found Domi, but I didn't expect him to appear directly in the public. At least the news told me that when the police arrested the bad guy, they first checked out the suspect's residence, and then took advantage of their unpreparedness to attack and arrest him. , it is really necessary to arrest in a crowded place, you should first approach the prisoner quietly and then control him while he is not paying attention. Luke directly walked over with a few teammates swaggeringly and then chatted with the prisoner by the way. The idle eggs are true

But what left me speechless than all of the above was the subsequent performance of Luke and the policewoman. First of all, why did the policewoman let him go after a confrontation with Domi at home? ? ? Can anyone tell me why? ? ? ! ! ! ! ! ! Didn't Luke choose her because she had a mortal feud with criminals? ? What about motivated? ? ? what about your hatred? ? ? Then when they encountered a carjacking again, they let Domi and his group go directly, so I knelt down directly for you! ! ! Are you a police officer or an undercover agent? ? ? Can criminals let it go? ? ? After Domi rescued Luke, the plot was even more bloody, even Luke was moved, and even wanted to join Domi's money grabbing plan, my god, to be honest, I really laughed when I saw this, I had enough Reasons to suspect that the director is satirizing or insulting the American police! If there is a Chinese director who dares to portray the Chinese police in such a way, it is estimated that the eighteenth generation of the ancestors will be scolded.

Then came the climax of the movie - money grabbing. There are still many slots here. First of all, they easily stole 4 police cars. I am puzzled. Are police cars so easy to steal? The whole police car didn't even sound the alarm, and I was also convinced, and even if I stole the police car, can I easily mix into the police force? ? When the police go out, they only recognize the car but not the person? ? Then it was Luke who drove away the concrete wall with a thickness of dozens of centimeters and the armored car was unscathed. Emmmm I can only say that what he drove was not an armored car at all, but a tank. . . The last two cars just took the vault out of the wall and dragged the vault to run around the street. I can only say that the director is quite imaginative, so he abandoned the most basic common sense: I want to ask what are these two cars? car so much power? ? ? Towing a few tons of iron eggs can be as fast as a police car? ? ? This big iron box is also very cooperative. No matter what obstacle it hits, it will not be turned over (I mean turned back and forth), not to mention the two traction ropes. It can be said that it is an mvp in the audience. The only thing was that the vault rolled a few times in the middle. It stands to reason that the two traction ropes on the left and the right should have been entangled at this time, but they did not! ! They untied themselves in order for Domi to escape! ! ! Here the director has successfully broken through the obstacles of topology! ! !

The above is almost what I think is unreasonable in this movie, and I don't mean to find fault. It is these defects that seriously affect my viewing experience, so that I have no feeling of watching the whole movie; maybe the above points are alone I can take it out and ignore it, but I really can't stand the bombardment of so many slots. Alas, this is the first movie of the vegetarian chicken series I've watched, and it's probably the last one. If there is a sequel, I hope the director will have a long snack, not too detached from reality

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Fast Five quotes

  • Roman Pearce: You know, I think I make a better special agent than you ever did.

    Brian O'Conner: I guess that depends on how you define 'special'.

  • Chief of Police Alemeida: Is all this really necessary to apprehend two men?

    Hobbs: Let me tell you a little something about these two men. One's a former federal officer, been in deep cover for five years. He knows every way you're gonna come for him. The other one's a professional criminal, escaped prison twice, spent half his life on the run avoiding folks like you.

    Chief of Police Alemeida: Well, if there's anything we can do to help the DSS...

    Hobbs: Two things. One: I need a translator.

    Chief of Police Alemeida: Claro, we have plenty in the public relations department.

    Hobbs: Elena Neves.

    Chief of Police Alemeida: A patrol officer?

    Hobbs: You heard me.

    Chief of Police Alemeida: But why? We have many more experienced people.

    Hobbs: I like her smile.

    Chief of Police Alemeida: What's the second thing?

    Hobbs: [pause] Stay the fuck out of my way!