The story of "Fast and Furious 5" takes place in Rio, Brazil, which coincides with the previously released cartoon "Rio Adventure", allowing audiences all over the world to enjoy the real version and the animated version in one breath. Magnificent view of the city of God as the Brazilians call it. However, we also have to admire the tolerance of the Brazilians. Both "Rio Adventure" and "Fast and Furious 5" depict the magical city of Rio as a sin city, poverty, shabby, robbery, and drug trafficking. , black gold and other elements seem to be the portrayal of Rio. Whenever the story deviates from Rio and is used in any city in any country, it will feel insulted, but the Brazilians accept it calmly. In fact, Hollywood movies always have a fatal weakness. Unless they are well-thought-out blockbusters, Hollywood heroic movies are always full of inconsistencies, unprovoked sex scenes, and big muscle shows. The plot of "Speed 5" full of violence and crime is certainly less worthy of admiration, but "Fast and the Furious" is worshipped as a culture, and "speed fans" still open their arms and look forward to the rapid release of "Speed 6".
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