It's pretty

Berenice 2022-04-21 09:01:23

Pretty happy to see it on a Sunday night.

It's not very bloody, and it's big and heavy on love and righteousness, which suits my appetite. A good relationship doesn't need a lot of I love you, but I want to see you before I leave when I'm wanted by the whole city. The phone call was so sweet. People in love are happy.

The performance is quite poetic in a section where two people make love. The description of Clare's feelings is this shot: The robber tells her to walk forward, stop at the beach. Clare once described to Ben how she felt at the time. She was terrified and thought the next step was a cliff until her feet touched the icy water. The blindfold is removed, a plane flies through the sky, and the camera cuts back to the two people on the bed, everything is calm. This technique is very cool, like a rhetorical technique synaesthesia. I suspect that this paragraph is directly copied from the original book, but now I can't find the book at all. I always feel that only writers can describe sex in such a romantic way, does the big instinct as a screenwriter and director think of this one?

Daben is quite handsome. He was so handsome that he could hold Clare's hand calmly when he was robbing a bank and said, "Don't be nervous, take your time." As an undergraduate, I would definitely think that Big Ben is so handsome, and Clare wants to go with him. Now what I'm thinking is, will the police go with the clare if he's not there? How will Clare live in the future, won't she worry about the future? Can she really go away with a Jiang Yang thief? The film's use of light makes this story neither punk nor fairy tale at all, it's rather grim, and it forced me to think, could it be? I think there's a good chance it will.

Because, in love.

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Extended Reading

The Town quotes

  • [Doug picks up Claire, who gets in his truck]

    Doug MacRay: I should have come get your door for you, huh? What kinda guy lets you open the door... what?

    Claire Keesey: I... I have to get something out there. Otherwise I'll be pretending to listen to you all night when really I'm thinking about something else.

    Doug MacRay: Okay.

    Claire Keesey: A few days a go my bank was robbed. Four men took over and opened the safe. They took me as a hostage. Uh... they blind folded me and drove me around. And then they stopped and let me out over at the beach and... and one of the guys told me to walk until I felt the water on my toes. It's the longest walk of my life, I kept thinking I'd step off a cliff. And... and then I felt the water.

    Doug MacRay: I'm sorry.

    Claire Keesey: It's not your fault.

  • [Frawley interviews Claire after the robbery]

    FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: I understand they threatened you?

    Claire Keesey: Uhmm. One of them took my licence.

    FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: Did you try and escape at any point?

    Claire Keesey: No.

    FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: Is there anything you identify about these men? Anything you can testify to?

    Claire Keesey: I didn't try to escape because they had guns.

    FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: I understand. Then they just let you go?

    Claire Keesey: Yeah. They just let me go. Should I have a lawyer here?

    FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: This is a very civil libertarian thing for me to say, but anyone who lawyer's up is guilty. I think you're all right.