some off-topic thoughts

Alec 2022-04-22 07:01:03

Every time I look at this kind of reasoning and virtual setting, I think, if life is really just a game, how would people live. Obviously, we also want to survive or win the game, so why do we have no burden on the game? I've always felt that gaming equals freedom, but I don't feel that way now. So what exactly is the reason we enjoy games? Maybe it's because games are a way we can choose to be happy quickly, but not in life. When the game is so close to real life, does it make a difference between the game and the life? I have always felt that the real survival experience is life, and the game is the one who can be at ease without caring about the result. You can treat the game as life, or you can treat life as a game. I always feel that one day, the distance between virtual and reality will become smaller and smaller. We are always afraid that the real living space will be compressed again and again, and we are also afraid that there are only virtual body sensations and the roles of friends in our lives. With technology, life seems to be redefined. We have been warned all the time, but we find we have to accept it. I am also very contradictory about this issue. I used to think that the current situation is the best, with real body sensation and real temperature; but I also gradually feel that in a world where virtual technology exists, some emotional needs can be met. I think good or bad is actually in each person's heart. We can't seem to stop where technology is taking us, but we will eventually get where we want to go.

Maybe life is a grand game? Maybe life is fake now? Does it really matter? I suddenly felt that it doesn't matter, just have fun. I have chosen the path I want to take, so this place of peace of mind is my hometown, I have been searching for the freedom to be myself, and I have what belongs to me own real world.

(Big off topic, failed film review, perhaps more suitable as a film review of "The Truman World".)

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The Game quotes

  • Conrad: They won't leave me alone! I'm a goddam human piñata!

  • Nicholas: No, what is this? What are you... selling?

    Jim Feingold: Oh. It's a game.

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