bored so murder you

Webster 2022-04-21 09:01:19

It was a fine day, the low trees were covered with clusters of small white flowers, the sunlight poured into the kitchen from the window, and the room was bright.

The mother is nervously instructing everyone to prepare meals, repeating the key points to pay attention to, showing the demeanor of the hostess, and making every effort to make the son's birthday party a complete success.

A flower was placed in a suitable position, and the old lady happily fiddled with the flower arrangement to decorate the venue; the thin middle-aged man with round eyes was demonstrating how to make a drink.

On the path leading from the kitchen to the lawn, four waiters approached each other. The first one was holding a disc in both hands, which was filled with freshly baked food, and the last three were jointly responsible for delivering the cake to the table in the middle of the lawn. .

On the stage, you came and I went back and forth for a double show, and the small audience under the stage responded with laughter and applause. Before the banquet started, these children gathered together to watch the entertainment program prepared for them. .

Or move freely, on the lawn you chase me, run and make noise, wantonly squandering the light time in the sun; on the other side, the lady taking care of the little baby, coaxing the child in her arms, when she sees the camera of the photographer's banquet video, Smile generously.

The wind blew in from the window, through the cracks in the white curtains. On the side where the curtain drum was flying, a puff of smoke lingered. Covered by heavy curtains, the father's back and shadow are the same color.

At the beginning of the banquet, the children sat together and ate pies; the adults gathered in twos and threes to socialize.

The mother was having a pleasant conversation with an elderly couple. While doing her master's friendship, she turned around to find her father. Soon, she stopped her father, who was walking alone to the secluded place.

Hearing the sound, my father stopped walking away from the crowd, took off the cigarette held at the corner of his mouth, put on a decent smile, and walked towards his mother.

A child's toy sailboat spins in the water.

In the crowd, the mother held her father's arm, her brows were curved, and she turned her head to look at the father when she was talking.

After being reminded by his wife shaking his arm, he reluctantly regained his energy and coped with the fragrant clothes and temples in front of him, but his eyes kept wandering around.

By the pool, our protagonist, the little birthday star, Nicholas Van Orton, played a prank and pushed a boy into the water with two companions, and a lady in a long dress hurried over to deal with the episode.

During the banquet, the party was staggered, and photographers shuttled through it, recording the funny smiling faces of the attendees and making them happy.

The little birthday star and his father were asked to take a few group photos. He stood beside his father obediently, his father's right hand was casually placed on his shoulder, he raised his head and sought to meet his father's eyes. face the camera.

He then retracted his gaze and also faced the camera with a standard smile.

The father was asked to hold the sailboat and make corresponding movements and expressions, posing as a loving father and son. He did so mechanically, and the sadness between his brows never dissipated.

When the posing was over, he patted his son on the shoulder, turned around and walked into the shadow behind him.

In the tent on the lawn, little birthday star Nicholas Van Orton sat at one end of the long table, facing the birthday cake on the table. Friends and neighbors gathered together to send birthday wishes.

The photographer's lens focused, and at this moment, the mother stood behind her son and straightened his hair. He looked at the camera, and the happiness in his smile could run out of his eyebrows.

This is the content of the film "The game" 00:49~02:27, in the form of a black and white silent film, it looks like a video replay of a birthday party.


The video of less than two minutes shows the group portraits of the protagonist Nicholas Van Orton at a birthday party when he was a child, his mother who was struggling to prepare, the noisy crowd and his father who was worried.

At this point, you can probably guess the two keywords of the film, "birthday" and "father".

Shortly after his birthday, Nicholas Van Orton's father jumped off the roof of his house, stubbornly hitting the ground like a bird, and said goodbye to the world with a blurred face.

Unfortunately, this scene happened to be seen by Nicholas Van Orton, who was returning home.

Compared with the sadness of his father's death, the pain of being abandoned by his father is more unforgettable, not to mention that the date of his father's suicide was chosen on a day very close to his birthday - a person recognized by the public who should have been happy and celebrated. day.

His birthday is closely linked to his father's death anniversary. Whenever everyone celebrates his safe passing of one year old, he also clearly knows that his father has been away from him for another year. For him, time is not an antidote, but a chronic poison, painfully increasing doses, slowly pacing to a breaking point.

His father died at the age of 48, and now, his 48th birthday has arrived.


The fact that Nicholas Van Orton's father died by suicide a few days after his birthday is made clear at the start of the film with three sets of shots.

City Club lunches with younger brother Conrad Van Orton, who repeatedly expresses concern for the protagonist and relief when he sees him doing well.

If this happens, it must be that for the protagonist, "birthday" is associated with some bad thing, and the impact of this kind of thing is very huge, and it still can't be relieved after many years.

After lunch, Nicholas Van Orton drove home, and childhood memories came back as he walked through a path in the jungle.

Reality and memory are cross-edited. The teenager at that time was also at the same time. He returned happily after school, walking briskly, looking forward to diving into a warm home, but when he looked up, he saw his father standing on the roof.

Thin and hollow, swiftly passing away, the flashing memory seems to be a fictional illusion of a dream.

After washing up, he sat on the sofa and connected with his ex-wife. In this conversation, three kinds of messages were conveyed.

First, the ex-wife, like the younger brother, expressed concern about the status of the protagonist's birthday, and clearly pointed out that it was related to "father".

Second, these two people broke up peacefully, and they are still friends who care about each other after the divorce. The protagonist knows his ex-wife's life very well, and expresses a slight dissatisfaction with his birthday greetings that arrived nearly midnight, which makes people want to explore the reasons for their divorce.

Third, when the ex-wife informs him that she is pregnant and will have a new baby, the protagonist's mood is even lower. "Standard nuclear family, you are very happy."

After voluntarily ending the conversation, the protagonist lies on his back on the sofa and continues to fall into his childhood memories-the father jumped down, the broken body, the crowd of onlookers, the police investigating, and the closed door.


Witnessing his father's suicide has a very negative impact on the protagonist. The repetition of memories is inevitable, and the confusion brought about by the loss of my father lingers.

In the dinner of the two brothers in the city club at the beginning of the film, it is not difficult to find that the identity and status of the younger brother who has experienced drug addiction and the self-proclaimed elder brother of the upper-class elite are not harmonious.

In the film from 01:09 to 01:10, the protagonist and his younger brother Conrad Van Orton had a heated argument. Conrad Van Orton accused the protagonist of "I don't need your help, no one asked you to play the father", and the protagonist responded, "You can't say it like this, do I have a choice? Do I have a choice?"

In a family that lost his father, the eldest brother was forced to play the role of a father, and hoped to guide his younger brother's life with immature experience, but his younger brother did not grow up as expected.

This experience of failure outside his control made him deeply disapprove of educating children. This probably explains why he and his ex-wife have no children? Or can it be guessed that the ex-wife divorced him because of the children?

The child's problem is second, and the most important thing is that he has a disapproval of his own life.

In the video from 01:16 to 01:17, the protagonist had dinner at home after calling the police, and asked the old housekeeper Ilsa about her own father, "Is he gloomy?" "How many shadows of him do I have on me?"

From the old housekeeper's answer, we can roughly infer that the father's portrait is a powerful and perfect existence in the eyes of everyone. "No one has ever worried about your father", so when the father committed suicide, he seemed puzzled and horrified. .

Comparing the evaluation of the younger brother to the elder brother in the city club, "a person who lacks everything", does it appear to be very similar to the remake of fate?

My genes are inherited from my father, and I belong to the elites who are successful in the eyes of the world like my father, who lacks everything. I am as smart as my father, avoid crowds, and don’t like socializing (you can refuse invitations to museums and weddings from the beginning, Dialogue with assistant Maria), I also feel boring about life and doubt the meaning of continuing to live. At the same age of 48, will I choose my father's choice?

48th birthday, before and after the critical point, the storm is about to come, or life or death.


At the beginning of the film, the director told us that this is a healing story.

Life is as sweet as the edge of a knife. For a little bit of honey, I am willing to endure the torture of a sharp knife edge, and let the blood all over my body leak out from the knife edge on the tip of my tongue.

It is easy for an ordinary person to rekindle the desire to survive, and a little sweetness can evoke strong unwillingness, and let a successful elite standing on the top of the tower, who is close to knowing his destiny and has seen all the world, find it again. The meaning of life is difficult.

Then deprive it.

To deprive a person of the coolness in summer, let him be in a furnace; to deprive a person of the warmth of winter, to leave him in the polar ice; to deprive a man of the right to prostrate himself under the steps; to deprive him of wealth But the wealth of the enemy makes him live with beggars.

Throw him in an environment where he is completely in two extreme conditions with his current possession, watch him lose, watch him cry, watch him struggle, watch him climb out of hell step by step, experience the value of possession in hardships, Lowering his noble head, opening his confused eyes, seeing the warmth that was once neglected, and rediscovering the meaning of life.

So we see that the protagonist has been lost under the careful design.


The first is the control of the victory.

Out of control, starting from being forced to do something, in the confrontation between the protagonist and CRS, he has been in a passive position and has not moved back to a game from beginning to end.

During the dinner at the City Club, his younger brother Conrad Van Orton gave him a CRS card, and with a compulsive tone made him promise to check it out.

At CRS, I was fooled into taking the test before I figured out what the other person was doing. When conducting the corresponding test, the receptionist Jim Feingold said in advance that it would only take 2 hours, but the whole process lasted for a day. During the initial contact process, this is obviously an inappropriate aggressive and tentative behavior. Not stopped in time.

An important meeting was interrupted by a call from the CRS, and the caller informed the rejected information on his own accord. The protagonist ignored the dissatisfaction and warnings issued by the protagonist, and hung up the phone after the notification.

Clearly, this hard-to-get game is a hit with the protagonist, who left a message on his way home to his younger brother Conrad Van Orton to find out what was going on. As a result, when he returned home, he found a clown in front of his house who was dressed up as his father who fell from the building, and was notified on the monitor and jammer to start the game.

In this round, it seems that the protagonist removed the monitor of the Joker's right eye, and CRS tried to say hello. It was a draw. However, a few actions—closing the door tightly, setting the security alarm—revealed his subconscious worry about the situation getting out of control, and as a result, the balance had tipped sharply.

The next day, the protagonist loses his judgment in a game that blurs the lines between true and false.

When he walked all the way from the airport gate to the sofa and sat down, he smiled at the corners of his mouth and his eyes were playful. He was both looking forward to and disdainful of this game, and everyone looked like an NPC in the game. CRS also catered to his self-awareness and arranged several easily detectable roles - the security guard who pretended to be on the phone, the cleaner who pretended to open the door, and the man with the ring who pretended to be on the phone.

When he sat on the sofa, looked left and right, and listened to the laughter of a lady not far away, he shook his head and clasped his fingers, indicating that he was immersed in the set atmosphere, completely confusing the game and reality. It is only at this point that the appropriate reversal begins to be made to make it neurotic.

The man who was reading the newspaper on the left side of the sofa coughed and dropped the newspaper and the clown-shaped keychain, got up and left. The protagonist looked over and turned sideways, thinking it was a clue to the new game clearance. Unexpectedly, a lady pushing a stroller passed by and picked up the keychain. And looking at him suspiciously, he had no choice but to embarrass himself.

The man sitting across from the sofa looked straight at him, as if he had something to say, but he was hesitant to say anything, so he had to ask, "Can I help you?" He asked again, "What's the matter, do you have anything to give me?" Emotions were picked up, but it turned out that the pen was exposed to ink and the shirt was wet. The other party just wanted to remind him of his appearance.

Combined with the previous plot, this pen was given by the receptionist during the CRS test. At this time, the male protagonist, including the audience, will think that when the male protagonist goes to the bathroom to dispose of clothes, is it the beginning of the game?

However, there was only one hard-pressed man in the bathroom who found out that he had no toilet paper after squatting. This time, the male protagonist's expectations were very high, but he was still disappointed and ironic.

Approaching out of the airport, the game did not appear. The protagonist also thought that the farce was over, so he sorted himself out and went to the partner's studio for a meeting to break up the team.

This conversation was not pleasant. He was mentioned by the other party as "a friend of his father". He hoped that for the sake of his old friendship, he would be provoked by the muddled behavior.

The scene of the drama appeared. The file box could not be opened and was locked. When he saw the keyhole, he remembered the key he took out of the clown's mouth, and thought about it, it turned out that the hole was here.

He took out the key, aimed it at the keyhole, twisted and twisted it, but it didn't open, and turned it again, but it still didn't open. It turned out that he was tricked again.

Realizing this, he irritably said goodbye to the other party, smashed the file box in the hall regardless of his image, called his brother for a dinner party, and was eager to understand what CRS was.

In the second round, CRS feinted and slapped the protagonist's self-righteousness in the face, which not only satiated the protagonist's appetite to participate in the next game, but also deprived the protagonist of his control, turning him into a reckless beast who lost his judgment in the game.

After this, the protagonist has completely lost control until the mystery is revealed.


Then came the appearance, decency, and dignity that the upper-class elites paid special attention to.

The pen-and-ink incident at the airport is just a small joke, and the real drama is enough to attract people's attention.

After returning from a partner, the protagonist and his younger brother, who were so intrigued, made an appointment at the "City Club" restaurant they frequented.

My brother was late and never showed up. While waiting, he was doused with red wine by the frizzy waiter Christine (Christine played the temperamental, unseen, dusty waitress very well), and sat scruffy around the elite In a high-end restaurant, and the waitress said, "I think the laundry fee is more expensive than a suit", which is a blatant mockery of his pretending. I think at that time, the protagonist must have been mocked in public. Anger.

Fortunately, the restaurant manager made a corresponding remedy, indicating that this was our honored guest, and exempted the order, which can be regarded as a corresponding honor for the protagonist. The waitress overreacted and was fired.

(I said that Christine's acting is very good, that is, during the whole process, whether it is splashing wine, contradicting, losing a wink, including the subsequent dismissal, it is a natural thing that happens under normal circumstances. It will not make the protagonist abrupt. The feeling of being designed, so she was subjectively excluded from the game from the beginning, and there was a preconceived setting of the bottom-level grumpy character, and there was no doubt that what happened later was related to her.)

The second round of the game has already begun, and the protagonist is not conscious. After accepting the waiver, I sat down at a different table, and a male waiter threw the "bills" down, throwing the bills just after being promised a waiver. This was a serious faux pas, and the subtext was probably "get out of here." At this time, he was angry, but when he opened the "bills" and saw the notification of the start of the game, he was excited again, and his emotions were calculated and fluctuated.

According to the "bills" instructions, catch up with Christine, face her out of condition expression, explain the game, apologize and ask if there is something for him, but Christine gives him a neurotic look and "fuck" Rejecting his apology, the poor protagonist thinks he has been toyed with as before, he is furious, and when he turns around, he sees a man collapsed in front of him.

Note that this person fell after seeing him, which would make it difficult for him to tell whether this person was a game NPC or something really happened. He stepped forward and wanted to find out. Because of the "bills" notification, he was more inclined to be a game NPC. Christine, who had just walked away, came to give first aid to this person, and accused him of being indifferent, that's all. At the moment of shaking, the rhythm has been taken away and controlled by Christine.

He was asked to call for help, but he has not yet been connected. Christine continuously reported the emergency. In a hurry, he stopped the police car on the street.

In front of the police, his decency and dignity were once again belittled. The police said, "You have to go to the police station with your wife." It is not that a man and a woman stand together to be considered a husband and wife. The well-dressed protagonist and Christine, who has a strong atmosphere at the bottom, stand together, and their temperament is obviously not compatible. , the police think they are husband and wife, which is a psychological suggestion, which nakedly shows the devaluation of the protagonist's taste.

The police car is pulling a loud siren, and the protagonist is treated like a suspect. At this time, where is the sense of shame of being suppressed?

At this time, the protagonist still does not really realize that he is in the game.

The police car was parked in the basement, all the lights were turned off, and the group performance ended, leaving only the protagonist and Christine. After the previous series of foreshadowing, the protagonist thinks that he has brought the innocent Christine into it. Out of men's natural desire to protect women, he feels that he is obliged to take the other party out of this environment. Once the guilt is born, it is especially important When the other party is a woman who is much weaker than him, men usually don't feel that they are being fooled.

So the elevator failed, he climbed up and got dirty all over; he encountered the alarm in the hall, and when he was chased by the security guard, he did not forget to take care of the women around him first, so that he was dragged by the dog, lost his shoes, and was embarrassed. Unbearable, even when the fire escape didn't work at the end, when Christine jumped out of the trash can as a woman, he could only jump off and make a fool of himself in front of the little people at the bottom; what's even worse is that in the end, the two ran out of the predicament and walked on the street , a patrol car passed by and specifically asked Christine, "Ma'am, are you okay?" It can be seen that the image of the protagonist at that time should be very beggar and hooligan.

If it is a game, such a large-scale design and mockery of this game has obviously made the protagonist unhappy. In other words, we will guess together with the protagonist that the bottom line has been opened to such a point, how should we play next in order to have new ideas?

Counting all the previous things: At the dinner party with the younger brother in the restaurant of the "City Club", the younger brother forcibly gave out the CRS card - the CRS appears in the place where the protagonist will notice - the receptionist delays the time and makes the protagonist pay more attention ——Arranged two role-playing former clients in the tennis club to slap on the side——Rough refusal to join in will cause unwillingness——Imitate the clown appearance of my father when he committed suicide A few fake reversals have suffocated my appetite - now I am being arrested by a police car, locked in a basement, climbing the subway, evading pursuit, being bitten by a dog, jumping over a garbage dump, these excessive things have been done, what should I do next? Will the session be more exciting?

And considering the identity of the protagonist, he may have been dissatisfied with this game. In order to continue to deprive him, of course, he must take the initiative to attack unexpectedly and be stunned all at once.


Soon, the protagonist will lose the most important innocence of a successful person.

The most important way to destroy a person is to spread rumors and slander in human relations. That night, when he returned to the office and did a brief tidying up, he sent Christine away. The protagonist thought the second round of the game was over, so he found a hotel and slept comfortably.

I received a phone call from an assistant to inform that the "America Pass" card had landed at the Nikko Hotel, and a young lady had reserved a room. Listening to the tone of the hotel staff, she seemed to have decorated the room with fine wine and flowers. The protagonist entered the game atmosphere very quickly this time, and I think he even guessed the content of this round of the game.

The result was quite different from what was expected. The hotel room was a mess after the incident. The voice recorder was playing in the corner, and the table was covered with various nude photos. The nude photos of the male protagonist had a face similar to his own.

The background introduction of the film has told us that the overall economy is in a downturn, and the protagonist's career has encountered a little problem. If a sex scandal occurs at this time, it will be a very big blow.

The protagonist was furious. He realized it was a game with purpose. He started to think about who was going to fix himself.

The CRS card was given by the younger brother, but the younger brother had no reason to harm him, and his reputation was not good for him. Who are the beneficiaries of this, and have you offended anyone recently?

Yes, the partner who almost tore his face. He began to recall that this man had a lot of psychological devices in his office, and that he said "I'm totally capable of fighting you." He realized that this might be a warning from his partner: "If you break up the gang, I have the ability to bring you down."

It is also very easy for the audience to be misled here. At the beginning of the film, the protagonist's career line is a part that cannot be ignored. If the audience is emotionally inclined to conspiracy theories, they will suspect his partner with the protagonist here.

The protagonist who has come over calls the lawyer, and rushes to the partner's hotel aggressively, showing his temper. The progress bar tells us that things are far from simple. Of course, he scolded the wrong person, and was disrespectful in front of his partners who have worked together for so many years. This disrespectful way of breaking up the gang made him embarrassed and embarrassed.

Not a partner, who is that? The card was given by the younger brother, and everything started because of this, maybe he knew? The protagonist asks a lawyer to investigate CRS, and prepares to ask his brother. At the same time, he received a second game clearance item, a thing that he didn't know how to use. Given the elusiveness of previous games, he put this thing in his arms, just in case he needed it.


He's about to lose his younger brother, so let's watch the right way to bite back.

As usual, he drove home when he was done with his work. As soon as he entered the room, he felt that the atmosphere was different from before, and he walked in with his hands and feet. Suddenly, the lights came on, the music was loud, his room was invaded, and the walls were covered in graffiti.

The protagonist is a kind and responsible person. He ran out to inform the old housekeeper to close the doors and windows before calling the police to catch the thief.

We can deduce a little bit. In order to ensure the completion of this work, one person who cannot get around is the old housekeeper who lives with the house. Either, the old housekeeper knew that she was a partner; or, she was paid, and she was paid for a long time. After thinking about it, acquaintances have committed a large proportion of the crime, and the number one suspect is his younger brother Conrad Van Orton.

There are always some feelings that are very frustrating. For example, you happen to have a shooting target, and the shooting target actively blocks your gun. In order to get the truth of the matter, our protagonist is once again taken out of rhythm.

The younger brother said that he would go to the car to talk in detail, and the older brother was taken out of the room; the younger brother broke the contact line, and when he was walking on the road, the lost and crazy younger brother confessed to the older brother that he was forced to take him into the pit. Here, the elder brother still asked in detail, the tire exploded with a "bang", and the younger brother appeared to be very frightened. In order to appease him, the protagonist had to go down to repair the car. The repairing car needed tools. The younger brother found a lot of signs with CRS. marked the key, so he got out of the car and frantically accused his brother of "you are with them".

Of course the protagonist finds it baffling, but how do you reason with a lunatic? Sven people who pay attention to decency are most afraid of reasoning with lunatics, so these tricks are only suitable for playing in front of gentle people.

In this round of the game, the younger brother has always held the initiative.

After the hotel incident, the protagonist has two doubts, one is whether his younger brother is involved and why; the other is what CRS is and what are his goals.

Spraying graffiti in the protagonist's house not only throws his younger brother in front of the stage, but also sends a signal to the protagonist that the home is not safe. In this way, the protagonist is provided with the answer he wants: CRS is a mysterious and powerful fraud organization. He controlled his younger brother and made himself into the Internet. The purpose is to play the role of a parasite and get a steady stream of money from here.

In order to make this answer more convincing, the younger brother tore apart the warmth of family affection in this round of the game.

Imagine how you feel when your loved one is tricked into an MLM organization that you can't get rid of. The younger brother used this kind of psychological stimulation to give the elder brother a blow in the head, and then a backhand slap without logic, pretending to be a victim, pushing all the mistakes on the elder brother, and completely denying it when he was emotionally unstable He has paid for himself over the years. For decades, his close relatives, his younger brother, who was brought up like a child, and who paid a lot of hard work, have treated him like this, and no one can stand it.

Disordered and irritable, the car is not in the mood to repair, lock it, take a taxi home, close your eyes, and calm down.

Feeling that he should be home, he opened his eyes. The driver blatantly walked around the street in front of his house. He slammed on the door and discussed with the driver. The driver laughed a few times and jumped off, and the taxi carrying the protagonist fell straight into the river.

Fortunately, he carried the customs clearance props he got before, and he survived.

The angry protagonist was scarred by the teasing at the moment, but he was puzzled that, so far, CRS did not get money from him, how could he dare to kill? I gave the clearance props in advance, maybe this time it was to intimidate him to be obedient?

For the sake of safeguarding his own interests, he called the police. The police found that the CRS people had gone to the empty building, and the clues were interrupted.


If before, when the protagonist lacked everything, he felt the emptiness and boredom of life, but now he seems to have been aroused by the fighting spirit of life.

Confidence, decency, dignity, career, and affection were deprived layer by layer. These things that he didn't care about at first became meaningful because of the loss. He urgently needed to find the culprit who deprived him of these.

The assistant gave him timely clues and found Christine's address.

Christine, the waitress who splashed him with red wine in the "City Club" restaurant, then ran away with him and jumped into the trash bin in the middle of the night, and later he took her back to the office to wash up, and he saw the red underwear she was wearing; The underwear is exactly the same as in the hotel photo. Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe there's a relationship between them?

Asking a woman "are you a prostitute" or "is your private life messed up" without a stone hammer is very rude, and our protagonist is a suave and decent person people. When he visited Christine's shared room at the address and asked her if she was the heroine in the photo, he was choked on the spot by the phrase "Why do you think it's me?"

The only clue was interrupted. He was very upset and wanted to talk to someone, so he did not reject Christine's proposal to "wait a moment, I'll change my clothes, let's talk about it".

He was sitting on the sofa, bored, and out of habit, he began to observe the furnishings around him.

The head of a human-shaped doll fell off. Also out of habit, he got up and set it up. Turning his head, he saw that the lamp was popping up. It might be a short circuit, so as not to cause a safety accident, he walked over to check, oh, it turns out It was the label that ignited under the scorching heat. He tore off the label with his hand and burned his hand. He needed to deal with the injury on his hand. He went into the kitchen and turned on the water pipe. The water has been cut off; then use ice to apply it. After all, there is no power outage. After opening the refrigerator, it is empty, clean and new, and has no popularity.

The protagonist finally realizes that something is wrong.

He checked the rest of the room and found that everything was fake, a makeshift dojo set up to confuse him.

Christine and CRS really are a group, through Christine may be able to find other clues.

But before he could react, Christine took the lead again.

She first complained that her companion did not arrange the room properly, so that the protagonist was convinced that she had discovered a big clue by accident, and she was lucky to avoid the new round of the game; The gunman who came to ambush outdoors; she escaped from the hail of bullets, and she became the only straw for the protagonist to investigate the case. He could only choose to believe what she said.

She said that his money had been transferred, which just confirmed his previous guess - he dared to kill him only after he got the money, so he hurriedly called to check, and accidentally exposed his account and password; she said that his credit card was stolen by the store owner It was cut, and he believed it, so he took her back to another house with no money; the lawyer called and she told him that the lawyer was also with CRS, and he couldn't tell the truth from the fake and could only believe it. In a trance, he was brought down by her cup of tea that had been blended.

In this round of the game, the account and password were exposed, and he lost his wealth; when he found out that everyone around him was related to the mysterious organization, and they all ganged up to deceive himself, he lost the ability to trust others.

Before, even when he found out that Christine was related to CRS, he was a decent man, and he always followed the due manners to ladies, but after that, the bottom line of a gentleman he had to abide by in his heart was broken.


He lost his life.

He crawled out of the grave, in a barren cemetery in a remote country.

There was rubbish all over the place and his body was covered in mud. He sat on the bench and held his head in mourning. How did things get to this point step by step?

Now that there is nothing left, and since he is still alive, let the flames of vengeance burn this sky.

He came back from hell, full of grief.

In the US embassy, ​​he only said that he was robbed, but did not tell the truth. Without the help of the embassy, ​​he sold the only valuable thing on his body - his father's relic watch.

He devoured food from roadside stalls and chased the bus, dusty behind him.

With more than ten dollars in rags and rags, he stood in a high-end restaurant where decent people gathered, picked up the loose change under his feet, and spoke loudly to attract the attention of the audience, for the sake of a sympathetic fellow. Procedure.

He twisted his body to sleep in the co-pilot's position, waiting to wake up to see the familiar scenery of American cities.

Finally, he climbed the wall and turned home. He was shivering in the shower, and the long-lost hot water rushed over him, making him shiver after a while.

He lost everything, he finally understood the value of having it, but he has lost it.

He wants revenge. Compared to the mysterious organization CRS, maybe he hated his younger brother who brought him in.

With bits and pieces of money and a pistol hidden in a book, he went to the hotel his brother was renting.

The hotel manager told him that his brother had been sent to a faraway mental hospital, and to get there, he found his ex-wife and borrowed a car from her.

His ex-wife received him at a roadside restaurant. Coincidentally, there was an advertisement for dental pills playing in this bistro, and the man reading the advertisement was the same Jim Feingold who had received his test at the CRS.

At one point, he remembered that this person ordered the takeout of "Crescent Moon Restaurant" at that time. Following this clue, he found the address of this store, and found this person's real name in this store, pretending to be the director. The position of this person is threatened, and this person is threatened to bring him to CRS, and finally, there is a scene on the rooftop.

The moment Christine saw the gun, she panicked and confessed, emphasizing that this was just a game, a surprise birthday game prepared by the younger brother for the older brother. Don't shoot, otherwise it will cause irreversible consequences.

The protagonist who has been deceived many times does not eat this set at all. He sees Jim Feingold being shot and killed. Outside the door is a group of thugs who can shoot. The gun in his hand is the only bargaining chip he has now. Death, he will never be able to take revenge.


The film progresses here, and the audience will probably be divided into 3 waves.

A wave has been being led away by the director, and his heart is clenched tightly. This is the last fight of this tragic rich man. It seems that the tragic ending is doomed, and it is just a few more backs.

A wave will also be held tightly. They can see that these are a game from beginning to end, a game with the theme of "healing" tailored for the older brother with childhood psychological shadows, but this When the protagonist is so mad, they are like Christine, worried that he will shoot a gun with remorse.

The last wave should be able to guess the final reversal.

The clues of the protagonist's revenge are too obvious.

No matter how a company has just moved in, everything is still not on the right track, and the receptionist in charge of the facade will not be so casual and unruly. It is not polite to ask precise customers to help with takeaways and eat in front of him.

These actions make the Sven and decent protagonist uncomfortable, and thus deepen the impression. Later, in a call with his brother at the tennis club, when asked how he was feeling, he replied, "They're a little messy with management.


Jim Feingold, who plays the receptionist, shouldn't be on TV either, which doesn't fit with the mysterious character of CRS. Since the protagonist can find information about the actor and touch CRS through this channel, so can others, it is doubtful that this kind of IQ organization has existed for so long.

And there is the gun that the protagonist is holding. That gun was also supplied by CRS, and at around 59:58 he snatched it from the private detective who was following him. In other words, Christine mentioned that they have carefully searched the protagonist's home, and the location of the gun is not very secret, and it is normal for it to be replaced. The gun thing is within the controllable range of the CRS.

The protagonist's revenge is the last round of the game. All kinds of clues lead him to the building. Christine is responsible for taking him to the top floor where there is no escape. The previous shooting caused him to witness the death of Jim Feingold. He pushed himself into a desperate situation, he had to shoot, he had to!

Why do you want to do this?

A person's revenge after being deprived of everything is like a sprout from the dead ashes dyed by a withered tree, with a decadent death, the salvation at this time is not profound and meaningless. To reshape a person, you have to smash him into powder and slag, then sieve it with a fine mesh screen, and temper it with a few skyfires.

Thinking of life is actually death; thinking that it is hatred is actually love.

Hate a person's betrayal to the extreme, only to find out that he loves you, all the reasons for you to hate before are out of extreme love; paradoxically, you don't have time to have such a heavenly love for yourself Give joy, because you killed him with your own hands.

Deprived of everything, return to hell, the moment of loss and gain is lost again, and heaven and hell rotate in a moment.

The earth-shaking psychological gap caused the brain to crash and collapse. My brother walked to the edge of the rooftop and jumped down.

The distance of dozens of floors is the psychological buffer prepared by the younger brother for the older brother.

After being deprived of everything, I return to hell, and the moment I lost and regained it, I lost it again, thinking that I had returned to hell again, but when I woke up, it was heaven. My brother, ex-wife, partner, colleagues and friends wish him a happy 48th birthday.

At the age of 48, my father doubted the meaning of life and jumped down. At the age of 48, he also doubted the meaning of life. After being tossed around and jumping down, he found the meaning of life again.

I got out of the psychological shadow of witnessing my father's suicide and saw the brotherhood. From then on, I dared to face up to my child's problems. Our protagonist even made an airport coffee appointment with Christine. The relationship between these two is very confusing. I don't think he necessarily likes Christine, but it's just that a new life always requires a new beginning. After all, Christine is very interesting.

It's easy to deal with someone who is bored and commits suicide, just send him a light.

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The Game quotes

  • Conrad: They won't leave me alone! I'm a goddam human piñata!

  • Nicholas: No, what is this? What are you... selling?

    Jim Feingold: Oh. It's a game.

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