One game, one dream, one dream, one reincarnation

Lottie 2022-04-19 09:01:19

This is a wonderfully conceived film, and the ending feels a bit like O. Henry, and it wasn't until the last few minutes that the final truth was finally known!
To be honest, the beginning of the movie is really confusing, but as the protagonist is accidentally involved in a psychological club and encounters strange things one after another, the plot becomes suspenseful and ups and downs, the protagonist even inexplicably From a rich man to a pauper, he even went through the cycle of life and death. When he climbed out of the coffin, he completed the first change in his life, from a rich man who felt that life was boring but had no intention of changing it. An avenger full of suspicion and hatred, he wants to find out the truth hidden in it, the plot has since become a bit like Harrison Ford's "The End of the World", with the success of his revenge, the truth of the truth gradually comes to an end, He finally found out that all of this turned out to be just a birthday present from his younger brother! But he had already killed the person who "framed" him, so no matter how good the game is, the final outcome can only be death! When he fell from a tall building, he completed the second evolution of life!
Of course, the ending is unexpected, hehe, you need to see what it is.
In short, although the film is a bit long, you will definitely not feel like a waste of time after watching it! Hehe, I hope every friend can complete every evolution of his life! Keep growing towards the truth and essence of life!

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The Game quotes

  • Conrad: They won't leave me alone! I'm a goddam human piñata!

  • Nicholas: No, what is this? What are you... selling?

    Jim Feingold: Oh. It's a game.

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