Works worthy of education and good experience for game designers

Terence 2022-04-19 09:01:19

The level of the director and the acting skills of the actors will not be repeated, because it is re-watching, I think it will be more interesting to experience the film with two questions.

Question 1: How to help a person when he is about to become a jerk?

The elder brother is successful, rich, conceited, selfish, and ruthless. Basically, he has all the problems of Wall Street financial giants. He will soon become a complete asshole. The younger brother wants to pull the elder brother, so he hired a company and made a tailor-made real game. , invited a group of professional actors to accompany his brother to play a real drama according to the script prepared in advance. Nick's life went into ups and downs in an instant. Nick is also really aware of his own problems and the people and things he ignores.

This is actually a bit like what is commonly called experiential education. Only by empathizing with oneself can you truly know yourself and be unforgettable. Of course, only a top rich man like Nick can afford to play such a full set of tailor-made games. For ordinary people, it is still a little inspirational. The most effective education and guidance should be based on specific problems, and try to create conditions for objects to have actual experience.

Question 2: How to design a good game?

The brilliance of the film is largely due to the perfect plot of the game designed by CRS in the film.

The first is to analyze Nick's character characteristics comprehensively and meticulously according to the needs of his younger brother to help his older brother. He is smart and conceited, ruthless and decisive. One of his weaknesses is that he cares about money and fame. I feel and fear that I am becoming more and more like my father.

The focus of the game's plot has also been determined. The first is to make Nick feel penniless, and the second is that Nick must commit suicide once. With the cooperation of a group of professional actors, Nick experienced these two things, which can be said to be reborn.

For conventional games, there are generally two difficulties. One is how to make players immerse in the game and integrate into it? The second is how to let players experience what is missing in reality, and be touched or shocked? Generally speaking, a game that can barely achieve these two points is what everyone says is a good game, but the most valuable thing in the film is actually broadening the idea of ​​​​the game design. , If the game design can consider some human psychological and emotional factors, the effect may be more shocking.

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The Game quotes

  • Conrad: They won't leave me alone! I'm a goddam human piñata!

  • Nicholas: No, what is this? What are you... selling?

    Jim Feingold: Oh. It's a game.

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