Explain clearly and explain unclearly, and it is unnecessary to explain and explain

Earl 2022-04-20 09:01:14

I personally think the movie is just average, but as far as the movie itself is concerned, I keep thinking, why doesn't Chinese movies have such a technique? The movie just tells the story from a video point of view, unlike some Chinese movies, I still remember watching a movie called Memento some time ago, I really think flashbacks are also a kind of beauty,
hehe Speaking of this movie, everything in the story starts with Oliver's kindness, and the final development is within people's expectations. In fact, when I saw the middle part, I kept thinking, what method did he use to clarify this scandal and open a virgin to the hospital Prove? Or the gods, until I read this story, I realized that all of this is not that important. Oliver told all this truthfully and it was OK. No matter what other people think about it, it is actually OK. Oliver actually passed this story. This thing got what she wanted, huh, that
's it After the scandal, and secondly, I admire her parents more, I have always believed in my daughter, I don’t want some Chinese parents to hear that wind is rain, and they don’t trust their children at all. The
scandal is actually a trick of the communicator, maybe it is for To increase your own interests or something, the scandal plan is actually a very common way to become famous in the entertainment industry, and it is also a commonly used method for your own interests. From this aspect, it seems that our Oliver is much purer. That's it

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Easy A quotes

  • Olive Penderghast: Marianne Bryant is the secretary of the student council, chairman of the Orange Blossom Dance Committee, and president of the Cross Your Heart Club - a club dedicated to shoving their beliefs down people's throats.

  • Olive Penderghast: [about the Cross Your Heart Club] Last year's cause celebre was the changing of the school mascot,

    Principal Gibbons: [Cut to basketball game, last year] Give it up for your very own BLUE DEVILS!

    [crowd screams]

    Woodchuck Todd: WOOO! Blue Devils!

    [does a flip and scores a basket]

    Woodchuck Todd: Yeah! Wooo!

    Marianne: [Cut to Marianne handing out pamphlets] How can we exhibit school pride when we're conveyed to others as Satan worshipers?

    Olive Penderghast: Now, thankfully, we're the much less intimidating...

    Principal Gibbons: [Cut to game, this year] Give it up for the woodchucks!

    [Crowd is silent]

    Woodchuck Todd: The woodchucks! Ar-ra-ra!

    [pretends to chuck wood]

    Woodchuck Todd: Wooo!

    Rhiannon: I liked Todd much better when he was topless.

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