The Road to Fame of an Honest Girl--Sad

Bethany 2022-04-19 09:01:25

A girl has been neglected for N years, so she wanted to add some face to herself, but she was out of control. Tragically, there are many people who want to be famous just like her and want to take the opportunity to become famous. I suddenly understood that Sister Feng had persevered for Mao, so I mourned in silence. Because riding a tiger is the most terrifying feeling.
You must know that the new image that people were just excited about, and the new image that made him famous at that moment turned out to be all false images, um, because no one can jump up and refute like Tang Jun Tang, hehe. . . .
A friend said that the current Internet is very immature, and it is true. However, because of the Internet, we have changed our servility from the past and are rampant on the Internet. And then how great we are at that moment, this explanation is not satisfied. Ah. . . .
Well, in the end, this girl finally has good rewards. What is the ending? I don't have time to read it at noon. But I heard that it was a good result, but it doesn't really seem interesting at all. In addition, seeing that my dear Amanda has gained so much weight, she is no longer that beautiful "Football Stunner". It's a pity, it seems that people are still You can't be too fat, you can't be the protagonist if you are fat. Ah. .

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Easy A quotes

  • Olive Penderghast: Marianne Bryant is the secretary of the student council, chairman of the Orange Blossom Dance Committee, and president of the Cross Your Heart Club - a club dedicated to shoving their beliefs down people's throats.

  • Olive Penderghast: [about the Cross Your Heart Club] Last year's cause celebre was the changing of the school mascot,

    Principal Gibbons: [Cut to basketball game, last year] Give it up for your very own BLUE DEVILS!

    [crowd screams]

    Woodchuck Todd: WOOO! Blue Devils!

    [does a flip and scores a basket]

    Woodchuck Todd: Yeah! Wooo!

    Marianne: [Cut to Marianne handing out pamphlets] How can we exhibit school pride when we're conveyed to others as Satan worshipers?

    Olive Penderghast: Now, thankfully, we're the much less intimidating...

    Principal Gibbons: [Cut to game, this year] Give it up for the woodchucks!

    [Crowd is silent]

    Woodchuck Todd: The woodchucks! Ar-ra-ra!

    [pretends to chuck wood]

    Woodchuck Todd: Wooo!

    Rhiannon: I liked Todd much better when he was topless.

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