if air is the enemy

Graham 2022-04-22 07:01:03

If Air Is the Enemy
- In the world of Hibiscus and Wiretap,

if half the people are crazy, you can't know which half is crazy, and if there are only a few people in the world who are not crazy, then they are not as good as Go crazy.
In 1986 China's "Furong Town" and 2006 Germany's "Eavesdropping Storm" told stories in a crazy and perverted atmosphere. In those days when everyone is in danger and even the air is the enemy, if you still If you have a conscience, if you still believe that the human heart is immortal, you have to suffocate it to death.
In recent years, China has rarely produced several classic films with excellent ideas and art. In my opinion, the only ones that can be released are "Farewell My Concubine", which is "Furong Town". "Furong Town" was released in 1986, when the Cultural Revolution had already begun. Ten years have passed, and in another socialist country, East Germany, the so-called GDR, the story in "Furong Town" is still being played out. From "Eavesdropping Storm" and its background information, it turns out that there are people in the world who are more miserable than the Chinese. Ten years later, when the protagonists of "Furong Town", Hu Yuyin and Qin Shutian both criticized them, in "Eavesdropping Storm" The Berlin Wall came crashing down, and when our classics appeared 20 years later, they began to be classics.
At that time, Churchill called Eastern Europe under the control of the Soviet Union the Iron Curtain, and Taiwanese also called mainland China the Bamboo Curtain. These two films took place in the cities under the Iron Curtain and the countryside under the Bamboo Curtain respectively. "Eavesdropping Storm" is about the surveillance of their supposed enemy by the East German government under the execution of a large number of secret police since 1984 and the brilliance of a secret agent's character, "Furong Town" uses a border town to deduce 1979 Major events such as the Anti-Rightist and Four Qing Dynasty Cultural Revolution that happened a few years ago and the ups and downs of the fate of the characters during this period.
We can find that the composition of this unbreathable air at the edge of the earth is almost the same.
First of all, there are several representatives who create this high-pressure atmosphere. The man of the moment in Furong Town is Li Guoxiang, who has been up and down. This kind of person is a political animal cultivated in a unique era. He turns everyone into a symbol and rewrites it arbitrarily. In his eyes, there is no basic humanity. Hu Yuyinfu, who was born poor and worked in the dark, came to the conclusion: "How can you get it if you don't grasp the class struggle and don't engage in sports?" You must have a conscience first, but at any time firmly believe that everything you do to harm the world and the law represents justice, even though she is only the director of the Revolutionary Committee in a small town.
The biggest official in "Eavesdropping Storm" is the Minister of Culture. After the reunification of Germany, this person also satirized that the new Germany had "no beliefs to rely on and no targets to resist", so he was deeply attached to the past. He is really one of the very few people who should be nostalgic for the past, because only they are the real beneficiaries. He has the freedom to doubt and monitor others for no reason. He has democracy. Can get a good car can ask the writer's wife to dedicate herself, have a future, he clearly told the director below him "this is why you and I can be in high positions." But these people have everything except human rights and humanity in their eyes.
However, we also know that Li Guoxiang, the Minister of Culture, the Director General, and the Secret Service are not the creators of this kind of air, but only diffusers. They are perpetrators on the one hand and victims on the other, just like Li Guoxiang in "Furong Town", men don't love women and do not love women, and they take class struggle as their mission all day long. Hanging up broken shoes and parading through the streets, the sergeant, captain, and director in "Eavesdropping Storm" seem to be able to influence others, but their own life is just a word from others. The movie must set up several negative models to allow the audience to accumulate anger and finally vent, but we know that they are not the initiators, and it is not them that are really the enemy of you, but the air.
Under high pressure, most of them are people who have struggled, long or short, but have to compromise in the end. In any era, the great good and the great evil are only a very small number, and most people just follow the trend. When the world is dangerous, some people struggle a little longer and others a little shorter, but in the end they will all accept their fate. This kind of compromise is mainly for survival reasons. Just like in "Four Generations in the Same House", the Japanese occupy eight years, and the Beijing people still have to live. You can't say that they are all traitors. Some scholars even think that obeying the people is the historical development. The driving force, if every one of them would rather die in battle when the dynasty is changed, what development will the new dynasty take? Even if we don’t look at it from this perspective, even if we don’t suffer from Stockholm Syndrome, everyone will have his reasons for compromise. For example, the former secretary of Furong Town is also Hu Yuyin’s ex-lover Li Mangeng, who first broke up with Hu Yuyin because of her family background Later, because the organization forced him to expell from the party and handed over the 1,500 yuan that Hu Yuyin asked him to keep, Hu Yuyin's house was destroyed. Although he himself repeatedly regretted his life, he still did it after all. Like Dreman's wife actress in "The Wiretap", she first committed herself to the Minister of Culture for the sake of art, and then betrayed Dreman because of her dependence on drugs and fear of the secret police, although She also struggled and didn't tell her that she had hidden the typewriter for the first time. Although she was so ashamed that she committed suicide under Dreyman's gaze, she still chose to compromise. The real reason - don't you need this system, or do you want it less than I do. So, even if you haven't watched "The Wind", we can't ask everyone to be righteous. For most people, if you resist, it's not against a person. You can avoid or defeat a bad person, but if you resist Air, if you don't compromise, you have to suffocate to death.
In this atmosphere, those who do evil have principles for doing evil, and those who compromise have reasons for compromise, and they all benefit to a greater or lesser extent. But an identity tragedy. For example, the group of writers in "Eavesdropping Storm", a profession that is respected everywhere, makes the government nervous, especially in a country like East Germany, where ignorant people are the rule and secret police are everywhere. The most fearful thing is that these people who are knowledgeable and advocating freedom will open up people's wisdom, so they are eavesdropping every day they think every suspicious person they think is suspicious, so they comprehensively monitor the radical writer Hauser. Turn on the loudspeaker to interfere with eavesdropping, and even face-to-face can only use writing to convey information; they blacklist directors with liberal tendencies and will never use it to force the elderly to commit suicide; even Dremann, the only one with West German readers The pro-party writers are also taken care of. In this atmosphere, it is useless for a gentleman to be magnanimous, because you can't stand the villain's relatives.
The people in Furong Town have a better understanding of this. Although their leader Li Guoxiang is not as advanced as the Germans, he can still rely on his imagination to give you an outline and let the dark clouds overwhelm the city at any time. It's hard to imagine that the simple and simple border town in Shen Congwen's writings has turned into a smoky Furong Town under some kind of force. Is it because of that top-down and rapidly magnifying madness? In fact, if my fellow villager surnamed M and my fellow villager surnamed L cooperated well, it would have been a very happy thing, but it is a pity that the immortals fought and the common people suffered. People have been tossed for more than 20 years. Poor Lao She has jumped into the lake. Poor Fu Lei and his wife have been martyred. The man yelled "You give me back my man!", and his next man, poor Qin Shutian, saw his ten-year-old son for the first time. Of course, Qin Shutian was luckier than the intellectuals in East Germany, because a few years later, the writers' houses were still bugged by the government.
Fighters and hermits are a group of people that this kind of movies give the audience hope. The protagonist HGW XX/7 of "Eavesdropping Storm" is an awakened fighter, an agent who can cry silently during eavesdropping. The agent, armed with superb skills and advanced equipment, has come to understand the writer Dreman and his wife by listening in on them, as well as the ugliness of his boss. So he did everything possible to help the writers, he could pretend to be the audience to rekindle the confidence of the female artist and persuade her to return to the writers on the way to the minister's house, he could rewrite the overheard content again and again to protect the writers, he In the end, he even took the risk and went to the writer's house to get the typewriter, and in exchange he was completely abandoned by the system, his future was ruined, and his freedom was lost. Rather than admiring his spy skills, we feel the integrity and kindness of this man.
Gu Yanshan, the head of the food station in Furong Town, is a fighter who has no weapons and only relies on his conscience. Although he dares to make trouble at the denunciation meeting, although he dares to take a gift to participate in the "a black couple, two dog men and women". At the wedding, although he dared to scold Li Mangeng for blackening his conscience, unfortunately, he was too strong and alone, so he could only roar repeatedly in the heavy snow, "finished - never finished", and could only shoot indiscriminately with a virtual machine gun that could not find the enemy. Lao Gu is the most painful warrior who can't find an enemy in the face of the air, while Qin Shutian plays the role of a detached interpreter, he will accept all insults and blows to him heartlessly, but However, there are a few words that others can't say at intervals. For example, he told Hu Yuyin to "live like an animal." After he criticized Li Guoxiang, who framed her, he said, "Make a family with peace of mind. ,Learn to live a little life for the common people, don't always think that you can't live with them, their life is easy and not easy." He said to Wang Qiushe, who was already crazy, "If there is no exercise, he can't be crazy?" Literary works The ACCCIM likes to use lunatics to speak out shocking remarks. Qin Shutian in the movie is called "Qin Maniac", and naturally he also undertakes this mission.

Because it is mainly based on characters and content, we will not comment on the technical success of the two films here. In fact, these two films are remarkable in film skills, and the design that makes people stunned is everywhere. Many paragraphs are You can get into textbooks, which is why a movie with such a heavy theme, two and a half hours long, is so good. For example, the endings of the two films are very classic. "Eavesdropping Storm" uses the brilliance of human nature to dilute the darkness of reality. After his release, the protagonist HGW XX/7, who was working as a messenger, found a new book by author Dreman in a bookstore. "Sonata Dedicated to a Good Man", opened the inner page and found that "Dedicated to HGW XX/7", he bought a copy, the salesperson asked him, is it a gift? Do you want to wrap it up, he said with a smile, no, this is for me. The film freezes and brings tears to my eyes. And Xie Jin's Gao Ming in "Furong Town" just didn't use the warmth of humanity to avoid realistic thinking. At the end of him, the people in Furong Town were sitting in front of Hu Yuyin's shop for a reunion, while the other side was already The mad Wang Qiushe repeatedly shouted "Sports," with his face broken, and gradually faded away, and the shout suddenly became louder. Hu Yuyin asked more and more, and leaned against Qin Shutian, who was holding the child, and the play ended. In 1986, I watched "Furong Town" in a place densely populated by intellectuals. When the film was put on the scene of the man who caused the destruction of Hu Yuyin's family and made Furong Town's chickens and dogs jump, Li Guoxiang was paraded by the Red Guards with broken shoes. , the movie theater actually burst into warm applause. It was this applause that made me, a middle school student, write my first film review. The conclusion is that if there is another Cultural Revolution, there will still be a mass base. This may be Xie Jin’s real worry about ending like this.

I squeezed in time to rewatch these two classics on this busy Monday and stayed up late to write this because it wasn't just Monday, it was November 9th, 2009. Twenty years ago, on November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall came crashing down. From then on, there was neither the Federal Republic of Germany nor the Democratic Germany in the world, but only a unified Germany, so I must write something to commemorate 1989, the great At the end of the year, we commemorate November 9th, this great day, and also record "Furong Town" and "Eavesdropping Storm", these two films destined to be handed down.
After writing one, the east turned pale, I walked out of the study and took a breath of the fresh air in Shenzhen, which was a little dry and a little salty.

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The Lives of Others quotes

  • Georg Dreyman: The state office for statistics on Hans-Beimler street counts everything; knows everything: how many pairs of shoes I buy a year: 2.3, how many books I read a year: 3.2 and how many students graduate with perfect marks: 6,347. But there's one statistic that isn't collected there, perhaps because such numbers cause even paper-pushers pain: and that is the suicide rate.

  • Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler: Madam?

    Christa-Maria Sieland: Go away. I want to be alone.

    Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler: Madam Sieland?

    Christa-Maria Sieland: Do we know each other?

    Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler: You don't know me, but I know you. Many people love you for who you are.

    Christa-Maria Sieland: Actors are never "who they are."

    Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler: You are. I've seen you on stage. You were more who you are than you are now.

    Christa-Maria Sieland: So you know what I'm like.

    Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler: I'm your audience.

    Christa-Maria Sieland: I have to go.

    Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler: Where to?

    Christa-Maria Sieland: I'm meeting an old classmate. I...

    Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler: You see? Just now, you weren't being yourself.

    Christa-Maria Sieland: No?

    Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler: No.

    Christa-Maria Sieland: So you know her well, this Christa-Maria Sieland. What do you think - would she hurt someone who loves her above all else? Would she sell herself for art?

    Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler: For art? You already have art. That'd be a bad deal. You are a great artist. Don't you know that?

    Christa-Maria Sieland: And you are a good man.