One and two are beautiful

Tiana 2022-04-20 09:01:12

When I went home and watched the TV newspaper, I happened to see the replay of "The Chronicles of Narnia" on Saturday, so I quickly wrote down the schedule on my phone. Also recommended for parents with small children.

But it turns out that one is not as good as the other. Just let me understand the relationship between their four children, they are all brothers and sisters. It turned out that Edmund was such a nasty character in Yili, but it turned out for the better in the end. The story has to have some twists and turns. Usually when the story is told here, it is always told to the children that we should not learn from Edmund and betray our friends for a few pieces of Turkish delight. I'm wondering if this candy tastes good? But think that it was during World War II, and children didn't have candy to eat. If it is now, let alone candy, chocolate can't attract them. How to let them eat is the most troublesome thing.

The famous character who plays the White Witch seems to be the spokesperson of a certain brand of cosmetics, and it is really uncomfortable to see the image of the frosty face. But in a certain report, I saw that she had both sides. There was an old lover outside and a young lover at home. What was even more surprising was that the two men coexisted peacefully, which was a role model for women.

The character of the half-goat has a very melancholy temperament, the kindness is pitiful, it feels like an Englishman, and the castle is all British, but this film was made by Disney in the United States. James McEvoy, who also starred in the TV series "Band of Brothers," and the lead actor in "Atonement," and "Becoming Jane Austen."

How could Aslan die? When I saw it being destroyed by the White Witch's men, I always felt that the story should not be like this. Therefore, with the subsequent resurrection, this is what it should be. Heroes are always immortal. Victory is always in the hands of the right side.

It's just that they're back in modern times by accident. It looks like there will be a lot of sequels like Harry Potter.

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Extended Reading

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe quotes

  • Jadis The White Witch: You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan.

    Aslan: His offense was not against you.

    Jadis The White Witch: Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia has been built?

    Aslan: [almost a roar] Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written.

    Jadis The White Witch: Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property

    Peter Pevensie: [pulls out his sword] Try and take him then.

    Jadis The White Witch: Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right little king? Aslan knows that in this, I had blood as the law demands. All of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water. That boy will die on the stone table... as is tradition. You dare not to refuse me.

    Aslan: Enough. I shall talk with you alone.

  • Aslan: She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood.

    [Everybody cheers]

    Jadis The White Witch: How do I know your promise will be kept?

    [Aslan roars]