
Constantin 2022-04-22 07:01:03

Mr. Tom has always been able, with a slightly pleasant and thoughtful look, perfectly planning the next step, he is adaptable and a perfect killer. Our Mr. driver looked less capable, he was careful and meticulous, not dashing. However, this is just the look. Our MAX pretended to be the boss in the underworld and completely fooled the boss, questioned the cold-blooded killer with a few words in his heart, made a car accident and rescued the target of a professional killer without hesitation, to be adaptable, philosophy of life, courage and courage, who is stronger than the other . Mr. Vincent has his own way to face the vicious gangsters, the dead, and the police, but doesn't he feel unimaginable in his heart? He is not confused, no. They are all the same, facing a less harmonious home, work, boss, dream, and confusion. Vincent is a good killer, and Max is also a rare taxi driver...
If we go back to the young age where we dared to think and act, who would be more handsome than anyone else...

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Collateral quotes

  • [after Max crashes the cab]

    Vincent: Well, that was brilliant...

  • Vincent: Max, six billion people on the planet, you're getting bent out of shape cause of one fat guy.

    Max: Well, who was he?

    Vincent: What do you care? Have you ever heard of Rwanda?

    Max: Yes, I know Rwanda.

    Vincent: Well, tens of thousands killed before sundown. Nobody's killed people that fast since Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Did you bat an eye, Max?

    Max: What?

    Vincent: Did you join Amnesty International, Oxfam, Save the Whales, Greenpeace, or something? No. I off one fat Angelino and you throw a hissy fit.

    Max: Man, I don't know any Rwandans.

    Vincent: You don't know the guy in the trunk, either.