I bet Hitchcock is a Leo

Tyreek 2022-04-21 09:01:11

After watching this movie, the first impression is that Hitchcock is definitely a Leo, and then I checked it and it was true. This kind of naked male control desire in the movie is too obvious.

Vertigo is a movie that combines suspense, love, psychoanalysis and many metaphors, so it gives the audience a rich imagination. It is the most surprising one to see Hitchcock so far. The process of the male protagonist's victory over acrophobia is rather a process of finding his own male ego while being lost in the exploration. In this process, he regained control and autonomy over himself. At the same time, this patriarchal film also reveals some men's views on love. What he loves is nothing but an illusion and a sense of atmosphere, a sense of satisfaction based on self-fantasy. The heroine is more like a tool person in this drama, at first for money, and later for love, letting others shape and control herself, isn't this PUA, until finally lost. As for the male protagonist, looking at some details in the first half of his life, I feel that I have met similar boys in my life, straight men and there are no people in my life that I like. When the fictional heroine appeared, the male protagonist naturally fell in love, but unfortunately the person he loved was fictional and did not exist at all. After his disillusionment, he discovered the original heroine, a vulgar and mediocre saleswoman with heavy makeup. What to do, when fantasy and reality encounter contradictions, and the male protagonist has a self-crisis, this exploration process must go through a complete destruction and reconstruction, and the vulgar female protagonist arouses his desire for control and abuse (oh, man!) , and the heroine did not escape her inevitable fate in the end. When she lost her bottom line, she had already failed. After all, she was just a tool written by Hitchcock to assist male self-exploration, so I understand this ending. Ridiculous but inevitable. And if the process of climbing to the top of the tower is understood as a hidden sexual desire, the male protagonist looks like an orgasm, u naughty boy?

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Vertigo quotes

  • [to Scottie]

    Gavin Elster: There's no way for them to understand. You and I know who killed Madeleine.

  • Madeleine: There is something I must do, there is something I must do.

    Scottie: There is nothing you must do. There is nothing you must do.