Mozart - genius - mediocrity

America 2022-04-22 07:01:02

[1] The only opera I've ever seen in

The Magic Flute is simply the sound of nature . Mozart uses music to communicate with God. The wonderful music makes me unable to express the emotion when I listen to the music. The only thing I'm sure is that he is a genius . [2] Watching Amadeus is not a biography of Mozart. Biography of Mozart As a genius , he can be arrogant , he can be unrestrained , he can show off , he can splurge , but it is only a fragile animal. God's favor for it is the source of its joy and pain. The higher the potential energy, the less the air, the lower the temperature. Genius is just a fragile animal . The talent supported by passion is squandered in a limited life. Standing on the edge of the cliff , it seems to show off the wailing of superiority. In fact, genius is just a fragile animal . Mediocrity and innocence are just what they want No matter how you stretch your arms, it's not as good as geniuses, a hook in the palm of your hand, an unbalanced sigh, God's injustice , and you look up at the high cliffs

I can't wait for the genius to take a step forward and make
a mistake

No, no,
the world is indeed wrong to

admit it 3f61257b010006cw

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Extended Reading

Amadeus quotes

  • [first lines]

    Antonio Salieri: Mozart! Mozart, forgive your assassin! I confess, I killed you...

  • Antonio Salieri: My father, he did not care for music. When I told him how I wished I could be like Mozart, he would say; "Why? Do you want to be a trained monkey? Would you like me to drag you around Europe, doing tricks like a circus freak?"

    [Salieri chuckles ruefully]

    Antonio Salieri: How could I tell *him*... what music meant to me?