Because I understand, I am compassionate

Sam 2021-12-24 08:01:28

Kim Kidd’s films, watched 11 movies:

"Spring is gone, winter is another spring",


"The Samaritan Girl",

"Empty Room",

"Drifting Room",

"Bad Boy",

"The Beast",

"The Truth",

" Coastline"

"Young Prostitutes"

"Unknown recipient"

Kim Ki-duk's label is "Korean master of erotic violence". It cannot be said that this label is a misunderstanding. In "Last Winter Comes Another Spring", there is also discordant blood. Based on the consideration of the commercial market, this label can be added appropriately. People who like eroticism and violence will not be disappointed.

But is this all?

In "Spring Goes, Winter Comes Another Spring", there is almost no intersection with reality in the water temple, the practice of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and then another cycle, just like we have heard since childhood, "There was a mountain and a temple on the mountain, There is an old monk telling a story in the temple. What kind of story is it telling? There was a mountain and a temple on the mountain..." I still shudder at the end, fearing the beginning of another story of the same kind, but Jin Kidd just doesn’t move. The sensual narration, the tolerance of the old monk, the consciousness of the young monk, the years have passed. This film can be viewed in contrast with "Samsara" (the original meaning of "reincarnation", translated as "lust and quit", presumably based on box office considerations, but this film does not seem to have aroused much repercussions). It is the same story of entry and birth. The plot of "Samsara" is more full, I think it is the best film played by Christy Chung, and Parma is like the mother of the earth. If you add a supplementary film, I think it should be "Little Living Buddha" by Keanu Reeves, which is the journey of Sakyamuni's Buddhahood.

The world in Kim Ki-de’s films is not beautiful most of the time. At the end of "The Capital of Beasts", Hongshan and Qinghai are killed by Lola, and blood flows into the sewer in the rain; in "The Truth", a series of killings, at the end, suddenly There was a "CUT", which confuses the virtual and the real in an instant; "Unknown Recipient" is gloomy and depressed from beginning to end. Zhang Wu's mother burned the permafrost to burn the frozen soil and brought Zhang Wu back to the extreme. The way, let my son be with myself, and then set fire to end everything; the ending of "Bad Boy" is even more unexpected, but there are always some beautiful sequins flashing in it, such as the snow in June in "Young Prostitute"; such as "The Truth" In "The female painter covers the artist who is sitting on the ground, draws the curtains, and gives him a place to sleep for a while, but after he leaves, she opens the curtains and the light comes in. She is in the light as the incarnation of light.

"Spring Goes, Winter Comes Another Spring" and "Empty Room" are very beautiful films, especially "Empty Room". Although there are violent scenes, serenity and tranquility are always the main themes. After the boy was in jail, the woman went to a house they had been to, did not speak, went straight into the house, and calmly slept in the chair, while the hostess and hostess did not go up to wake her up, but just did things as usual, and so on. She woke up by herself and left. Only in that way can we truly be worthy of the eight words "the years are quiet and the world is stable".

Some people commented on Kim Kidd’s film, saying that the plot is too extreme, the characters can die, they can share, and they can be crazy, but they don’t let people live well. The wounds of history, the incompleteness of human nature, and living well, turned out to be extravagant hopes. Not everyone can "face it, accept it, deal with it, and let it go." More people can't face the unacceptable, they stick to the lost, thinking that they have never lost it. Therefore, "Coastline" In the movie, the girl who lost her lover went crazy. Faced with everyone calling Yang Ji’s name, the soldier Jiang, who was forced to retire, went crazy, insisting that she was still a member of the team. The last shot shot him. , It can be considered a relief.

It was through Kim Kidd that I suddenly understood the meaning of the film for the director. It was his own world. He used his favorite way to describe and shoot, which may not be logical or even realistic. Spirituality stems from deep inner fantasy. Just like the birth of myth.

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Extended Reading

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring quotes

  • Old Monk: Lust awakens the desire to possess. And that awakens the intent to murder.

  • Old Monk: Didn't you know beforehand how the world of men is? Sometimes we have to let go of the things we like. What you like, others will also like."