Since you are mediocre, you can't force it

Monroe 2022-04-22 07:01:02

The characters in the film are all written by the screenwriter, and Eastwood's filming is also very exciting. Here I will comment on the main characters in the film and express my personal opinions and the social reality I have experienced from them.
The film depicts Bob England in detail. He has never even seen the protagonist, so is he useless in the film? Of course not, it is very meaningful. He is a villain who loves vanity, he likes to brag about his deeds, and his royal biographer writes about his "great achievements" in killing people, making his reputation very loud outside. Passers-by know his name by hearsay, but in fact he only knows how to embroider his legs and shoot pheasants compared to others. But killing and shooting are not the same thing at all. When you point the gun at a living person, your heart will not be calm; when you are fighting against others, it is another situation. They both drew their guns faster than the other and shot each other to death, but both parties knew that if they shot first and missed the other, they would become a piece of meat on someone else's board. In the end, Bob England didn't have the guts to shoot the sheriff, not entirely out of fear of the sheriff's tricks, he was a coward himself, and a coward only had the guts to do something he didn't dare to do when he was drunk. . The sheriff made Bob England disgraced, and the writer believed that what the sheriff said was not a lie. The sheriff's temptation was greatly admired by the writer, so he became the sheriff's follower and began to write books for him. But the sheriff is just a shameless man. He only has the ability to deal with unarmed people and bully the weak; When judging others, you are actually like a funny clown, and you don't know it at all.
"Scofield boy" because of his lust for profit, he exposed the list to kill people, but he has never killed anyone, and his eyesight is not good. He lied from beginning to end, and this time he finally wanted to kill for money. When he actually killed someone, he confessed everything to William. He must have regretted it in his heart. He blamed himself and regretted the misfortune of the deceased. He didn't even want the money anymore, he just wanted to leave. I swore I would never kill again. He understood how cruel it was to take someone's life.
The writer Bouchard saw his cruelty after following the sheriff, but the sheriff tried to expose the cowardly nature of people to him in order to satisfy his thorough understanding of human nature. When he met William, he was wrong. Knowing that his old friend was brutally killed by the sheriff, William was very indignant. He drank the alcohol he had given up for ten years again, went to the brothel single-handedly, and killed the sheriff and his five men head-on. The real strong man is not Need someone to set off or promote themselves, and they are not proud of what they do, and even try to cover it up. Sheriff and Bob are in love with fame and fortune, and want glory that does not belong to them, and finally ended up in a tragic end. William, as a bloodthirsty cowboy in his youth, regretted the people who died at his hands in his old age, and lived there. Dodging his enemies in the backcountry, when he re-emerged again, he used his own experience to educate the Schofield boy who wanted to break through, and turned into the embodiment of justice. He was no longer a slaughter of women and children. He is a chivalrous man who punishes evil and promotes good, with clear love and hate. profit

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Unforgiven quotes

  • [Sending English Bob on his way after beating and jailing him]

    Little Bill Daggett: I suppose you know, Bob, if I ever see you again I'm just going to start shooting and figure it was self-defense.

  • Bill Munny: I've killed women and children. I've killed everything that walks or crawls at one time or another. And I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you done to Ned.