Hollywood's "East and West" recent outstanding comedy films

Alessandro 2022-10-25 12:36:10

I thought it was a vulgar movie just like other Ben Stiller movies, but when I almost despaired of Hollywood comedies, I saw that it was rated 7.6 on IMDB, so I didn't have to watch it. I didn't expect it to be a surprise. This is a rare and excellent comedy film in Hollywood in recent years. There

are waves of jokes in the play, and none of them are vulgar. At the beginning of one commercial and three trailers, I could see tears in my eyes, and I have been watching it since then. Ben Stiller has improved the quality of his films a lot this time. He never thought that his appeal was so amazing, making this film a huge lineup, comparable to the Eleven Arhat series. I think it looks better than Arhat, and the major bowls are in the film. The performances of the film are played out and even subverted (maybe except for the black fat line that is slightly weaker), the film shows feelings for the film industry, and this momentum makes the declining Hollywood unite with energy, and in laughter In awe of these characters. Besides, the self-mockery in the film is not kitsch self-mockery. This is the true meaning of self-mockery. It's not like there are too many dead pigs who are not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

Tommy contributed a lot in this film. He was willing not to appear on the starring list, and he destroyed his image. He even danced at the end of the film, and Matthew McConaughey and others were willing to be green leaves. . . There are too many professional spirits and too many sincere points of view, so I will not express them one by one here.

Although this film is not top-notch, it should be less than 5 stars, but in the desert situation of Hollywood comedy dramas in recent years, it should be highly recommended!

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Tropic Thunder quotes

  • Jeff Portnoy: [after Jeff catches the bat that stole his heroin] Hahaha! Now you're dead! You OD'ed!

    [he takes a bite out of the bat]

    Jeff Portnoy: Aaaagghh! Fucking hell!

    Alpa Chino: What the hell? Jeff, that was a BAT, man!

    Jeff Portnoy: I don't have any more... jellybeans.

  • Rick Peck: [to Tugg] Yo Tuggernuts! It's the Pecker!