man is hell

Hortense 2022-04-20 09:01:07

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There are many movies about the Vietnam War, and there are also many masterpieces, so let’s talk about choosing this movie first. Reason for the movie: Field Platoon The film was created against the backdrop of the popularity of movies celebrating war heroes, and its director Oliver Stone, a veteran of the Vietnam War, made the adaptation based on his own experience. movie, which is also the first and best of his Vietnam War trilogy. This film, which appears to be clumsy in technology and slightly exaggerated in performance today, has inspired and influenced a large number of later films, including Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down, stating that war is no longer so important, it is people and people. The relationship between man, man and war. So, if you want to see human nature in war, I think this movie is very suitable.

The Vietnam War (1959-1975), referred to as the Vietnam War, was a war between South Vietnam and the United States against the communist North Vietnam and the "South Vietnam National Liberation Front" (also known as the Viet Cong). It can be said that it is the pain in the hearts of Americans. It lasted for a long time and the war was so tragic that it surrounded the Americans like a nightmare, which greatly weakened the arrogance of the Americans and subverted their views on the war. In the later period of the war, the United States broke out. There were many anti-war movements, and the war also devastated the U.S. economy.

The protagonist of the film, Taylor, was a college student who dropped out of school with the same passion for "fighting for the country" as most Americans at the time, and was assigned to an infantry unit. But his enthusiasm was soon drowned out by the cruel reality, he was shocked by the distortion of human nature in the war, and he doubted the justice of the war; but he finally found his own understanding of the war : What you fight against in war is not the enemy, but yourself. And "self" can be understood as our own heart, the human nature exposed by the irresistible external force of war.

At the beginning of the film, an American soldier described Vietnam as hell. I have seen the hardships of the combat environment in Vietnam. The movie "Forrest Gump" also made fun of the jungle environment in Vietnam. Saying that Vietnam is like hell just because of the environment? I don't think so, other people are hell. In such an environment, human nature was distorted, the dark side was exposed, and people began to kill innocent people indiscriminately, intrigue and even kill each other. Quite tragic.

The protagonist of the film, Taylor, appears in most of the films as a bystander and thinking: as a recruit, Taylor is undoubtedly young and idealistic. Although he is a college student, he, like other soldiers from the bottom of society, does not know the true meaning of this war. He thinks that he is the righteous party and is helping the local suffering people. The maturity of Taylor's role actually matures with his understanding of war and human nature, and there are two people who play a very important role in this, one is Elias (Elias), the other is Barnes. (Barnes). I understand these two roles as opposites of human nature: Elias symbolizes the sense of justice that strives to maintain a conscience and maintains the moral bottom line in war; Barnes symbolizes a human instinct when facing death, A killing instinct desperate to survive. Someone once said that if you die, it's best in the first few weeks because you won't suffer too much. Tyler's mental breakdown under the torment of the war, he needs a spiritual support, but he does not know what will keep him alive. Is it survival instinct? Then he would become more insensitive as Barnes; is it the idea that good will triumph over evil? But Elias died again under Barnes.

At the end of the film, Taylor's black comrade Kim inspired him. Tyler asked King, "Have you ever been caught up in the mistakes you can't get rid of, people like Elijah have to die, people like Barnes can continue to do whatever they want, and we can only do it?" King replied: "Who Say what you need? You just need to get out of here alive and live happily every day.” War is an external cause of hardship, an external force that exists all the time, tearing apart people’s disguise, and under the influence of human nature, people all end in the same way, and in the end Taylor did not kill himself. Dead Barnes?

Humans are hell, and in such an extreme environment of war, there is no room for any pretense. Survival is the purpose. Director Oliver Stone once said that no one wants to fight there, everyone just wants to live and go home. The environment in which you die is my life has spawned scene after scene of human tragedies. People in war are pathetic. They have all become slaves to the system, machines of war, carrying expensive equipment just to kill anyone who threatens your survival. War has nothing to do with blood patriotism, war is actually The war between man and man, the war between man and human nature, and the compromise of man's evil human nature on the issue of survival "achieved" the cruelty of war. Tyler ended up in the helicopter reflecting on the entire war, thinking that they were not fighting the enemy but themselves, and the enemy was in their hearts. Director Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket" also conveys a similar message, no matter how upright you are at first, in the midst of war, you will always expose the dark side of your humanity for survival. In war, people are hell, so everyone in war is in hell, and war has become the grave of human nature. The most painful thing in war is not death, but the loss of self step by step.

Oliver Stone has directed another work, Natural Born Killers. I think he believes that human nature is inherently evil, and everyone is born to be a killer. This may be one of the reasons why he chose to present the Vietnam War in this way. But I also think that kindness in human nature is also an extremely important part. In an environment like war, in order to survive, the evil in human nature overwhelms the good in human nature, but we cannot ignore the importance of goodness, just like Taylor at the end of the film Said "In any case, it is our responsibility to rebuild society, to teach others everything we know, and to use the rest of our lives to find meaning in life."

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington states: "Before you make any general, general statement about the Vietnam War, first you have to understand what the bottom line is. The bottom line is that a lot of people went there and got killed; yes For them, this is the meaning of war.” War is cruel, and human beings should not be in war. Many patriotic education today makes people take war too one-sidedly. Excuses, but there is no righteous side in the war. Human nature is the ultimate sacrifice in war. Countless soldiers walked into and out of the war with a distorted outlook on life, so there will be so many veterans in the society. Spiritual problems caused by soldiers of tragedy. But the war never stopped. Churchill believed that World War II was an avoidable war, but which war was really inevitable? Is it true that the good in human nature can only be overwhelmed by evil again and again?

Those who have unfortunately experienced war, and those who have a clear understanding of war, should prevent this kind of human disaster from happening again, and develop the warm and kind side of human nature to be worthy of everyone who died in war. This may be this book. The message the film wants to convey.

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Platoon quotes

  • Sgt. Barnes: Death? What do you all know about death?

  • Sgt. Elias: Police up your extra ammo and frags. Don't leave nothing for the dinks.