After watching it for so long, it turned out to be a family infighting.

Isobel 2022-04-22 07:01:03

Text / Ma Gao Luo

Meilu went to see the long-lost 007 with friends today. 007 and I are the most familiar strangers. Ever since I was a child, I have heard from my parents that 007 is a very powerful ace agent who escapes from the sky. However, it was only in the past few years that I realized that I have always regarded the theme song of Mission Impossible as the theme song of 007. When I was in middle school, I liked to look for [bi] movies to watch. At that time, I didn't understand some BT seeds and so on. I directly searched "rolling sheets" on Du Niang. There are nine out of ten, but there are also five or six clips of the 007 war with female models. I am overjoyed and click on it. However, everything about the two seems to be just the end, it should be revealed, like passion but on the edge of censorship, well ready to start the camera and turn to the other end. Well, I admit it, it turns out that all the sex in 007 is like this.
Well, when I was in high school, Killing the Chicken was released, but that day I insisted on going to see Pleasant Goat by myself, yes Pleasant Goat. If I think that I drink too much Nutrition Express and there is a problem with my head, it's fine, but my parents gave up watching the chicken and went to see the Pleasant Goat with me. In the end, there were three crazy people who didn't know whether to laugh or cry - so now when you watch Pleasant Goat, you have to consider whether your parents will follow me to the movie theater.
To be honest, except that I didn't have a chance to go to the cinema at that time. This is one of the reasons why the protagonist of 007 is not attractive enough to me. Apart from his movies, I have basically never watched this objective reason. The well-proportioned and gentle appearance lacks the temperament and aura of Collins' tough guy in "The King's Man". It's hard to imagine if he's a slobbering agent.

When I get to college, the party will start to play 007 - a game where you can shoot [bi] guns at others in an open and honest way. Nevertheless, hasta hoy, I was 20 years old and 312 days old, and only officially met 007 in the movie theater, and experienced J Bond's style on the screen for the first time.
At the beginning, I was not disappointed, and I happened to meet Los días muertos that I recently talked about in a foreign teacher's class. The shape of the skull mask is so amazing that I even thought about "V for Vendetta". I wondered if all the people present were the villain's accomplices. Then the male protagonist made every effort to get out of the siege and brought a beauty with him before leaving.
It turned out that I still thought too much, the male protagonist dragged the girl and rolled all the way to the hotel. Seeing that I was ready to fight, I didn't expect 007 to shirk and walk out from the balcony. It's really worth my effort to watch so many 007 movies (xi) in junior high school. The setting of the balcony has always been urgent and sneaky. For example, the husband and the mistress knocked on the door of the wife to make a round of house inspections - well, this is a bit far. For example, it’s a dead end to catch up to the hotel, and you have to use the balcony to escape, or climb up the next room when you are on a mission. However, our great 007 is still calm and composed on the balcony, strolling leisurely, like an uncle and handsome male model walking on the runway. This is the first time I have seen such an upright and elegant balcony setting, and it really is 007.

In fact, a long lens is used here, which is not amazing, but this is undoubtedly the most brilliant part of the whole film.
Then he slapped the building on the roof. This 007 Spectre party claims to have used 60t+ ammunition to explode without special effects and 3D cheating. However, the explosion effect here is too shoddy, and it is difficult to make people feel convincing. Director, you are too shoddy to put a bunch of explosives together and press them at the same time. Fortunately, 007 himself was not affected by this, and he shot a plane while chasing the little boss.
With sam smith's weird theme song sounding, the look and feel of the film doesn't seem to be that good.
Later, when 007 went to eavesdrop on the boss's secret meeting, he felt that he was listening to the report of the [bi] center, and the sofa was so comfortable that I almost fell asleep, and the boss inside smelled the familiar smell and smell belonging to 007 . 007 knew that the deeds had been exposed, and hurriedly took the car to Taobao... ah no, it was running away. The boss sent Destroyer Drax to pursue. The part of chasing the car is painless and itching, there is speed but no passion. However, when 007 encountered the speed of the classic car, the owner of the classic car was also very helpless. I don't know why the car was blown up. Bond is clearly a Road Fury, but it's not okay to be angry in that situation.
I don't know if 007 is addicted to the explosion. When he drove the plane to save the heroine, he made a more ruthless shot. This time, it was an off-road vehicle that was tragically destroyed. Rescued our beautiful heroine Madeleine. Madeleine's performance as a female killer in "Mission Impossible 4" was amazing, and her expressionless face left a lazy landscape for the movie. Skim away that tiny gap between the teeth (I didn't notice it at first, but my friend reminded me later, I don't know how the classmates who watch IMAX feel about it), it is completely comparable to Scarlett Johansson. That kind of cool, "I hate guns" that kind of disdain for men and the noble temperament has left the cuckoo in "Hong Kong 囧" for several streets.

The hero and heroine have aura, but fighting is still relatively weak and catching chickens. Maybe it's because the opponent is too strong and too fierce. When two people open champagne to talk about their ideals in life and then do what you know, without a little bit of defense, the killer appears like this. The two were not able to fight back at all. The heroine just showed off her gun-playing skills in front of 007, but it was of no use to this big man. Physical strength is not enough, so I have to use brain power. In this respect, the big man is not 007's opponent at all. After being slapped by 007's SM Dafa, he even dragged him down with a rope. Before leaving, he also brushed his existence angrily: "shit." In my opinion, the nature is similar to Han Geng's "I fuck" in Transgender 4. Of course, the Destroyer's "Profound Truth. The Technique of Soy Sauce" is still far inferior to our Han boss. To be honest, this action scene was not brilliant at all and even quite ugly. 007 was completely beaten, without the feeling and texture of fighting. You would feel this way when an adult bullies a child who has no power to fight back. Will the action scenes look good?
When the heroine asks "what shall we do next?", I really want to smell something vaguely. As soon as the voice fell, the hero and heroine came directly. This part is really abrupt, and even I, who was watching the movie, couldn't help but put the trick "Profound Truth. The Technique of Soy Sauce": "I cao." It was really "Love comes too fast like a tornado". Madeleine, who was still aloof a while ago, was instantly conquered by 007.
In the "Mission Impossible" series or "The Bourne Bourne" series, the male protagonist must make some detailed plans when he finally launches the total attack, and our 007 doesn't need any plans at all, just sit straight like this. Dida taxi went into the bird's nest of the big boss. After flipping through the words, I suddenly found that this is the male lead's god brother at all, but there is a feeling of family infighting. Back then, when I said with great ambition to kill you, I thought there was some kind of sophisticated and breathtaking reversal, but he was caught just like that, be! Grasp! live! ! I was really dumbfounded at that moment, 007, did you go in to get caught?
The big boss grabbed Bond and neither killed nor shot him. He leaned on the chair and used some high-tech needles to stab Bond's head, thereby destroying the family island in 007, honesty island, agent island, etc. of. Waking up might even be another astronaut agent. However, 007, who was stabbed to death, remembered that Ah Q bought him a watch last year, and threw the watch on his brother Gan at the last minute. Accompanied by the explosion of more than ten tons of explosives (the explosion here is also quite spectacular, but I think it is a bit shoddy, and it is not comparable to ordinary explosion scenes, which is very unreasonable) and escaped with a beautiful woman. Let's take a look at the "auto-aim" skill that is only available in CF. Sometimes I really don't know if I want to praise Bond's good marksmanship, or catch chickens for the villain's marksmanship, maybe this is the life of the soy sauce party.
skull mask

Here I will talk about the style of the dress. At the beginning, the ghost mask on the Day of the Dead actually felt quite majestic, which was very in line with the theme of the Spectre Party. It's really cool to think about the scene where the male protagonist is surrounded by a group of skeletons. Of course, the villain who looks so weak now is indeed not suitable for wearing this kind of powerful skull mask.
After going back, the heroine is like Conan, who is possessed by Xiaolan, playing the spirit of not dying, and pretending to be cold on the surface "I'm sorry, you are a good person, but your life is like a special agent in the movie, I can't get security (A) Comfort (V)", but the male protagonist was caught just a second after walking. As for the male protagonist, he had to pay it back sooner or later when he came out. He was finally shocked from the side by the villain, and the stunned male protagonist was caught in the thief's car.
However, our 007 can't have the same knowledge as the gangster, and he will KO the gangster with blindfolded three or two times. Later, I found the big boss. That's right, it's the same godfather who only hurt one eye after the explosion of the Guinness World Records. Then there is the old-fashioned plot. The big boss gave the male protagonist a three-minute bomb and the female protagonist of unknown location. Bond finally rescued the female protagonist and then used the handjob skills he used at the beginning to shoot the plane with a pistol. Come down, this time I was once again convinced by 007's magical skills. In the end, of course, it is to solve the boss and bring the beauty back to a happy ending.
At the end, I still have to complain about the rope tied around the last bomb of the heroine. It seems that my brother's skills are not enough. The rope only acts as a binding force, but there is no plot that the bomb will explode if it is connected to the bomb by mistake. But it is only three minutes. If you add the bomb disposal plot, you will inevitably be called hypocritical. After all, the audience is the most difficult group to satisfy. I believe that the director also took into account the feelings of the general public who have been sitting in the theater for two hours and were abused by literary dramas to the point of having hemorrhoids, so he simply designed the plot here to be cleaner. However, the IQ of the boss was also abusive, and he finally just waited quietly for the explosion. If you die, you won't be able to see the whole corpse; In the end, when Bond went up, he was going to hit his buddy and found that he had no bullets and then walked back to the heroine. This kind of setting has to admire that 007 also fought to Mount Everest in order to be handsome. Friends summed up in four words: "The plot needs"
The spy movies I watched before were all about being handsome and watching action scenes, such as Tom's "Mission: Impossible" series. And this 007 series is completely unqualified in business terms. After the amazing start, the back is blablabla, go to the blablabla in the snow mountain villa, go to the hotel blablabla, although it is still blablabla after going to the bird's nest. . . The big scene in the back is the lack of good will be replaced by the big bang. This is inevitably a little uncomfortable for us who are used to seeing Tommy flying around. And probably after the new century, special agent films began to transform, similar to the "Bourne Bourne" series, in which agents began to think about their own life experience and the power of the government, which was more realistic and less cynical. , I like it better. This film emphasizes artistic conception and light plot, and many of them are a one-off. Audiences who are looking forward to seeing a hail of bullets may have to prepare a little bit.
The heroine who starred in "Mission Impossible 4" was asked at the recent premiere event about the Mission: Impossible series and 007, which of the two macho men do you prefer:
"The man in "Mission Impossible" The protagonist is more serious and more perfect; Bond has a lot of flaws, he is not perfect, but everyone likes him like this, that is, he likes to watch him drink, be romantic, and mess around. And Daniel undoubtedly makes Bang De's image is fuller, and he is more about excavating Bond's negative emotions and giving him a more human and real side." (Everyone noticed that she did not answer the question directly)
Then she added:
"Daniel is a A very emotional person, and that's what makes Bond more human and emotional. He's very sexy. I'd say a sexy man is someone who respects women.
" , From the appearance alone, Craig is a little more melancholy and emotional than his predecessor Brosnan. On the path from "god" to "human", his performance will undoubtedly make this role more fulfilling and full.
What director Mendez wants to show us is a real, ordinary person James Bond with a rich emotional core.
However, it is undoubtedly the mentality of the audience that needs to be adjusted.
This reminds me of the "Assassin Nie Yinniang" that I fell into a mess in the cinema a while ago. It can be seen that it is also a film with full of artistic conception and no plot. We thought it was an intense martial arts, so we watched a high mountain and flowing water. of landscapes. So sometimes it takes a certain amount of risk to shoot like this. After all, everyone is here to join the fun and come to the cinema happily, ready to watch 007 handjob and the enemy 200 rounds, but what we show us is a boss in front of 007, who is still talking and laughing in a leisurely manner. There will inevitably be a gap in the heart. 007 is probably not the 007 in the romantic and suave game life that we have known in the past. He is a British blond and violent road nu who has his own ideas, literature, art and sensibility. Everyone ready to go to the cinema, are you ready to accept this more real 007?
Finally, I have to talk about the heroine. As a character who has acted in "Mission: Impossible" and "007", people can't help but think of elegant and fanciful, maybe she will appear in "The Bourne" starring Hawkeye. , even in the last Easter egg: Alan Krause came home and saw a slender figure sitting on a swivel chair looking out of the window, with his back to him, who had been waiting here for a long time, shocked: "You are Who?" However, Lea Seydoux had already seen everything in the swivel chair, and she turned her body around without haste, revealing her lovely teeth:
"Hello, Allen, maybe we should talk about the cooperation. "
"To whom?"
"The others agents."

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Spectre quotes

  • Blofeld: Goodbye, James Bond.

  • Hinx: [only spoken line] Shit!