Living in the moment

Harmon 2022-04-20 09:01:10

Paris is beautiful, the artists are very fanciful, and the beauties are very eye-catching. Under these beautiful coats, it is a simple proposition - live in the present, and don't dwell on the past.
American Woody Allen finally shot Paris, and he took us on a tour of Paris for 3 minutes with a bright lens and soothing music. It was elegant and quiet, lazy and light, and dizzyingly beautiful.

It's a pity that the hero who travels to Paris with his fiancee is a little absent-minded. Jingya, who is obsessed with Paris, admires the "love" of his predecessors and hopes to live in Paris to write real artists, but there is a fiancee who doesn't care that his talent is inseparable from the hustle and bustle of the city and is arty. If this is tolerable, he can't stand the right-leaning parents-in-law who have a controlling son-in-law and a certain man who loves to show off his erudition and whose catchphrase is "if I am not mistaken". Angry and feeling that his hat is about to turn green, the writer hangs out by himself at midnight in order to relieve his depression.

Maybe it's because of sincerity - the time tunnel took him to his favorite "Golden Age", Paris in the 1920s, and he was talented with wine. He looked a little dull at first, like a lost child finally returning to his home. Comfortable and comfortable, he and his momentary Toshihiko were overjoyed to chat with each other. Indeed, for an artist, there is nothing more satisfying than discussing women and writing with Hemingway, painting with Picasso, and discussing beauty with Dali. What about exciting things?
He asked the best critics of the Golden Age to point out his works, and when he met an "art fruit" who he liked and liked his works, a man with a double harvest in career and love couldn't help but really fall in love with Paris and the Golden Age, and he couldn't help but hope I can live in this "perfect world" in my heart.

Fortunately, he saw another "self" - the artist who was obsessed with the beautiful era of the 19th century just as he was obsessed with the golden age of the 20s, he was obsessed with Hemingway Picasso, she was obsessed with Lautrec Gauguin Degas , even more surprising and unsurprising - the artists of the 1890s were complaining that people living in this era were so mediocre, people who lived in the Renaissance were truly happy.
After being so stimulated, he, who has been anxious and confused, has an epiphany - the past was not better, and the present is not so bad. , the golden age is like a tourist resort. Going once in a while and living there are completely different things. There is no scenery in familiar places! However, the past is illusory after all, and the present is real. Here and now, not here and now.

In fact, it is very natural and understandable for this writer to be obsessed with the past. First, time has made the New Year's time a legend, and secondly, he is no longer a small person, but a god when he returns to the past.

The golden age is like the nostalgic shop in his book. Every item in it was so mediocre at that time. Time subtracted their brilliance but added their charm. In the eyes of the right people, They carry memories, sculpt beauty, and tell stories of time quietly. They are so rare. Most of the characters from a few decades ago and hundreds of years ago were turned into dust, and there is nothing left in the world, such as wine, whole grains and grains. The water is fermented and aged for a hundred years, and there is only one cup left in a full jar. This wine naturally becomes an orphan in the wine.

People all want to be gods, and going back to the past is a kind of god, because only gods can know the past and the future, especially ordinary people like him who are not confident in the "present", such a literary backward and unknown, how can He Dehe be able to communicate with these people. The brightest stars in the art galaxy have intimate contact with Yanxiaoyanyan, not to mention the splendid favor of this man who has been rolling among giants such as Hemingway, Picasso, etc., so he is excited and lingering - he is in history, even Still making history.

However, although fine wine is good, it is enough to drink less. Young people are beautiful and precious, young people have endless aftertastes, binge drinking is not to say that it hurts the body and sadness, at least it is a cow chewing peony. From this point of view, this American can be regarded as a person with wisdom roots. Once he becomes enlightened, he retreats completely, or he has a little regret. After all, he is living in the real moment. His writing is on the right track, and his Muse is also on the right track. appear in due time.
Good luck!

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Extended Reading

Midnight in Paris quotes

  • Gil: I'm jealous and I'm trusting. It's cognitive dissonance. F. Scott Fitzgerald talked about it.

  • [last lines]

    Gabrielle: By the way, my name is Gabrielle.

    Gil: I'm Gil, nice to meet you. It's a pretty name.