Apocalypse: You are the worst Four Horsemen I have ever led!

Kailyn 2022-04-19 09:01:17

I am Apocalypse, the first mutant in the world. At the same time, I am also a private education scholar. I teach some mutants like me to study hard and then work for me. My school history can be traced back to ancient Egypt. Later, because of the surrounding Residents felt that the school I was running was an illegal building, so they forcibly demolished it. I never got involved in the education field again.
Later, in the 20th century, it was occasionally mentioned that there was a professor named Xavier who ran a gifted boy from Xavier. The school, which also teaches mutants, was quite official, and I felt like I was back in education.
So I started looking for my students, and I found an underground boxer, a thug and assassin, a thief and a steel Workers. Well, they are all illiterate, doing low-level mental work and low wages, so I think teach them some skills. I taught steel workers the skills of detecting ferromagnetic metal mines, and taught thieves beauty salons Craftsmanship. That underground boxer, I taught him the technique of electrophoresis and electroplating. I taught assassins about the installation and use of LED lights. However, some people say that my educational institution is illegal, illegal, and does not have educational qualifications. I used to I have suffered such a loss, so I thought of a good way, that is, to grab Professor Cha's educational qualification certificate, so that I will be the principal of Xavier Talent School. (Then renamed Apocalypse Talent School) I will give it back to me The students promised that as long as you help me, then you will all be directors. They hit it off with me. So it became the style of the hot-blooded colleges
. I was afraid of who. And I myself climbed from the school to the position of the principal step by step, aiming to dominate the entire education world and reach the top. So I made an appointment with them.
On the eve of the confrontation between the two armies, I thought of another A good way is to tie the handle on the opposite side, so that there are no leaders on the opposite side, and our side will be foolproof! Come up. Of course I'm not afraid anymore. My students' combat effectiveness is a lot higher than theirs, and I'm still here as a teacher, so I can win! Then I'm a formal education school!
But I did a lot of calculations, but I didn't know that the steel worker was actually an old acquaintance with Professor Cha, and he was still friends with Professor Cha, so in the process of fighting, I learned that Professor Cha was tied by us, And that gifted boy school is not a director system at all! He told the assassins and thieves about it... oh, the underground boxer seems to have dropped the line during the fight. They were very angry, and then they turned against the water, So I beat a group of them by myself... After all, I can't beat four hands with one punch, so I was finally defeated, and I never stepped into the education world again...
So this failure is all because of these four students It turned out to be against the water?! It is really the worst Four Horsemen I have ever brought!
Why is it so difficult to set up a formal educational institution?

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X-Men: Apocalypse quotes

  • Charles Xavier: He means to destroy this world... billions of people killed.

  • Raven: Let's go to war.