All you can take with you is that which you've given away.

Leatha 2022-04-22 07:01:02

"A world with you, a world without you, let the difference between the two be the biggest, this is the meaning of your life." I read the words of Teacher Kaifu in high school and did not fully understand this sentence. Now, watching this black and white old film, two different worlds are presented in front of you, and the meaning of life is to influence others and try to make the world a better place because of yourself.

When I was young, I was full of dreams, determined to get out of the small town, create a career, marry Bai Fumei, and embark on the pinnacle of life. But one after another encounters unforeseen surprises and blows at key nodes of life. The protagonist's image is so real and kind that everyone seems to be able to find their own shadow in it. Life has been so hard, life is what it is.

If you can't achieve great goals, you can still live a meaningful life. At the 54th point of the film, there is such a passage under the portrait of the protagonist's father: "All you can take with you is that which you've given away." It is an extremely delicate detail. It is this idea that has made it through the financial crisis and Porter's repeated challenges, and the scene at the end of the film where the residents of the town generously put together $8,000 is touching. Every good deed will be rewarded in the end.

A few days ago, in the railway section where I work, a 19-year-old teenager committed suicide by lying on the rails. The scene was unbearable and embarrassing. Too bad he didn't have Clarence in his life to tell him the value of existence. Sadly, there are few similar thought-provoking theme films in China, a large number of shoddy youth films, romance films, sci-fi films, no connotation, only hormonal scene special effects. I can't imagine whether the domestic bad films had a negative impact on the young life, making him look down on life.

What a wonderful life.

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It's a Wonderful Life quotes

  • George Bailey: [to Potter] In the whole vast configuration of things I'd say you were nothing but a scurvy little spider.

    [to Potter's bodyguard]

    George Bailey: And that goes for you too.

    [to Potter's employees at the bank]

    George Bailey: And it goes for you too.

  • George Bailey: The Navy's gonna fly him


    George Bailey: and Mother home tomorrow.

    Cousin Eustace: In a plane?