This is how life should be!~

Eriberto 2022-04-21 09:01:11

★★★★★ Suddenly I thought of a scene, I was 90 years old lying on the hospital bed and couldn't move, the only little sadness was that if time could go back 50 years, I would have a different life~~ I fell asleep, when I woke up, I found that my dream came true!! Well, next, please start your wonderful day!~~ This is the truth, about 80 years ago in 1946, American director Frank . Capra has already explained it vividly. This has a crucial role in the psychological reconstruction after World War II. The mentality is the force that determines everything!~~ I recommend everyone to watch this movie, what epidemic, war , Earthquake, wtf! ~ As long as I am still alive, hope will always be there!~~

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It's a Wonderful Life quotes

  • George Bailey: [to Potter] In the whole vast configuration of things I'd say you were nothing but a scurvy little spider.

    [to Potter's bodyguard]

    George Bailey: And that goes for you too.

    [to Potter's employees at the bank]

    George Bailey: And it goes for you too.

  • George Bailey: The Navy's gonna fly him


    George Bailey: and Mother home tomorrow.

    Cousin Eustace: In a plane?