Energy and Education

Kailyn 2022-04-21 09:01:16

The viral
video begins by saying that most of the humans have died because of a chimpanzee virus; at the same time, because of this virus, chimpanzees have human-like intelligence.

The first conflict in the energy
story comes from energy—a small group of humans immune to the chimpanzee virus survived, living in decaying cities that only had enough electricity for two to three weeks, for For human beings, without energy, it is almost equivalent to death. So humans began to look for energy, and an abandoned hydroelectric power plant on the other side of the mountain was their target. On the way to the hydroelectric power plant, humans encountered the orangutans, and the enemies met, and they were very jealous.
From the energy issue, we can glimpse the leopard and discover the importance of energy to human beings. "People die for money, birds die for food", energy is an important factor in whether human beings can survive smoothly. In the film, humans can contact orangutans without fear of danger for energy, communicate to find a solution, and even hesitate to contact them. of war. The current predicament in the Middle East and the South China Sea issue are basically energy issues. With the ever-decreasing energy sources, the importance of energy is also increasing day by day. This will only lead to more and more conflicts, and it is not impossible for a large-scale war to occur.

There is an orangutan named "Maurice" in the community of educating
orangutans who is responsible for educating the little orangutans. He points to the words "Apes not kill apes", "Apes together strong", and "Knowledge is strength" on the blackboard. It is no different from human education. The process of education is always filled with the ideology of the ruling class. Children who have been immersed in ideology for a long time will take it for granted, and those that do not conform to it are wrong and bad. There is a scene in the film where Caesar pulls Koba, who almost fell off a high-rise building, by hand.
Koba shot and killed the founder of the orangutan community, usurped the throne, imprisoned and killed the orangutans who disagreed with him, and it was a matter of course for the orangutans to kill him. Caesar said this only to maintain the ideology he built by himself. If the ideology is stable, the apes are easy to manage. Coba is obviously an orangutan, how can you say that he is not "not ape"? I'm afraid it's just that he's not an ape that conforms to the ideological system that Caesar constructed. What we are often taught since childhood is only what the ruling class thinks is right, and it has nothing to do with us, we are only subordinates of the ruling class. Regarding the development of the story in the orangutan, it can be regarded as the movie version of "Animal Farm".

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Extended Reading

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes quotes

  • Koba: Caesar weak!

    Caesar: Koba weaker.

  • Koba: Apes not kill apes.

    Caesar: You are no ape.