
Salvador 2022-04-21 09:01:16

The story begins with the life of a little black brother who is the protagonist of this movie and the sixth Spider-Man. He lives in the universe of 26-year-old Spider-Man Peter Parker. As is customary in Spider-Man stories, let's start before gaining superpowers. The protagonist was admitted to a selective high school, but he didn't make friends, and at the same time he was confused and didn't know what he wanted. One day, he ran out of school, went to do graffiti with his uncle, and was stung by a spider (Stan Lee said there was a spider, so he got a spider), and since then he has superpowers. However, his inability to control his abilities led to a lot of embarrassment. That night, he came to the graffiti again, but met Spider-Man fighting the bad guys. This bad guy wants to create a parallel universe tunnel and bring his wife and children back to him, but this will cause a lot of damage to the city. It's a pity that Spider-Man actually died here, and the protagonist promised Peter Parker that he would stop the bad guys. At this point, the Inciting Event is complete, from the foreshadowing of the spider bite to the commission of Peter Parker. Before entering the second act, the protagonist tries to be Spider-Man, watching the plot of the comic book to train himself, but he fails in his performance. Timid and unprepared, he even destroyed the key things Peter Parker gave him. It was night, the protagonist came to Peter Parker's tombstone, but met a middle-aged Peter Parker in another parallel universe, which led to the protagonist's ability to shock. The story then enters the second act. After the uncle communicated with the protagonist, their goal was decided, and they had to go back when the villain created the parallel universe channel for the second time. They first went to the villain base camp to steal data, which led to the protagonist's stealth ability. The data was stolen and the people were exposed. Doctor Octopus hunted them down, but unexpectedly led to the third Spider-Man, the only female Spider-Man. Then, they came to Aunt Peter Parker's house, and finally, the Spider-Man of the six parallel universes converged. Spider-Man in various styles is very interesting. While they were discussing their plans to return home, the protagonist was teased and beaten by the other Spider-Man. Other Spider-Man thinks he's not ready to be the one to close the parallel universe. The protagonist leaves in disappointment. He wants to talk to his close uncle, but finds out that his uncle is actually the subordinate of a bad guy, and he chased and killed him some time ago. The protagonist fled in a hurry, but was followed to the Spider-Man base camp, and the villain's men came to fight Spider-Man (I'm more curious why Parker's aunt called Dr. Octopus Liv, are they good friends?). During the period, the protagonist took off his mask and asked his uncle to spare his life, but his uncle was shot and killed by the big boss. The protagonist escaped with his uncle's body, and this showdown came to an end. The protagonist blames himself very much for what happened to his uncle. Other Spider-Man also came and He said goodbye, Uncle Spider-Man decided to stay and close the parallel universe channel, which was a suicidal decision, but because the protagonist was not ready, the uncle also used spider silk to lock the protagonist in the chair. Later, after some talk with his father, the protagonist knew that his family fully supported him, and he was really ready to master the super powers such as stealth and lightning stably. In the third act of the story, they're going to beat the bad guys. In the early stage, all kinds of Spider-Man showed their skills, and in the later stage, it was one-on-one between the protagonist and the big boss. Among them, the one-on-one duel is also divided into two parts. In the front, the protagonist was pressed and beaten and completely lost his strength; in the back was the real test. The protagonist stood up again like other Spider-Man, and released it in the way his uncle taught him to pick up a conversation. his lightning strike. The rest of the story is about hugs with the father and other closing narratives.

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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse quotes

  • Peter B. Parker: This kid can turn himself invisible! Watch this, he can do it... now!

    Miles Morales: I can't do it on command...

    Peter B. Parker: He can't do it on command! But it is cool. Show them the zappy thing, Miles.

    Miles Morales: I can't do it on command.

    Peter B. Parker: He can't do it on command! But he can do so much more, like what else do you do?

    Miles Morales: Just those two things.

    Peter B. Parker: Just those two things.

  • Miles Morales: What's going on with your body?

    Peter B. Parker: I don't think my atoms are real jazzed about being in the wrong dimension.


    Peter B. Parker: Look, I'm not looking for a side gig as a Spider-Man coach. I got a lot going on in my dimension, like a lot.

    Miles Morales: With great power comes great...

    Peter B. Parker: Don't you dare finish that sentence! Don't do it. I'm sick of it.